Chapter 16

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The rest of the summer went by rather smoothly. Not too much drama. The occasional bickering and nagging, but overall, everything was back to normal. My step dad continued to drink, but just not as much. I guess it was an improvement from his everyday drunk. I had college going on in my mind. I'm glad I won't have to worry about him being a bigger asshole while I'm away.

I heard from my friend Brian that their team ended up second to last place. It didn't surprise me at all considering the earlier events of the summer. I guess Mike wasn't boasting and being the loudmouth like he used to. Tammy asked about me once or twice as well I guess, but I didn't really care, I knew her for  like five minutes. I had a few other encounters with some random girls, but nothing to really speak of. I couldn't wait to head off to school. I could finally get reunited with my best friend in life. My brother. Well most of the time except when we weren't beating the shit out of each other! He told me some stories of college life and how crazy it is, even for a small school. The parties, the alcohol, the girls, strip clubs, all kinds of temptations. People from all over the world and all walks of life.

It was only a few days away and my last day of work was today. The other couple days I would be finishing up packing and taking the truck in to get inspected to make sure everything was in good working condition. SVSU was over three hundred miles away, so, better safe than sorry. I wanted to say my goodbyes to my family and friends too. Work went fine and every one of the women that worked at the bowling aly gave me a hug and all  the guys came up and shook my hand and gave me a pat on the shoulder. All of them had the same general message to me. " Have fun, good luck, be safe, don't party too much" were the general statements. I don't think I'll have much of a problem adapting to the college lifestyle. I know how to keep a job. I know how to keep my truck in good shape. I had enough money saved up to last the year, but I was still going to try and find a job to keep myself out of trouble. My brother told me how easy it is to lose yourself up there. Falling into the trap of immaturity he called it. A bunch of young kids with essentially no supervision whatsoever. Throw alcohol and drugs and temptation in the mix and I can understand why he calls it that.

He told me many stories of many parties and the things that go on. It's just plain ridiculous. Although I can't wait to see it with my own eyes just to say I've seen it. I'd like to think I'm not just your average everyday kid. I feel I am much smarter. I feel I am much more mature, beyond my years. People have told me this, I'm not really being conceited. I have a certain way of going about things in such a manner. I have loads of respect for those who deserve it and have earned it. I have my grandfathers to thank for this part of my personality. Both war veterans and earned their living. I'll gladly take that part of them for my own personality.

I don't end up leaving the bowling alley until after I bowl a few games with some of the guys there. I have a feeling in the back of my mind I won't be returning here anytime soon. I just don't see it happening. It's a small town with not much going on. I have big dreams of wealth and power like some, maybe most do. I don't know, but I know I do. I think of myself dressed up in a nice three piece suit and tie, in an office, six figure income with a happy wife and kids at home. That's what I see in my future. That' my goal. These guys here don't see that far into the future I don't think. The aren't going anywhere. They'll be stuck here forever. They have no ambition. I still like them, don't get me wrong, but I have much bigger, brighter dreams. If thy want to stay in their own comfort zone and not take any risks, that's their choice. Not a bad one either. I need more. I crave more, I was built to be more. So, hanging around here all my life won't happen.

It was a fun night bullshitting with them about memories through high school. All the bowling memories, girls, other people. Just a whole bunch of random moments in our lives up until now. I think I really did need to be here. For one, to say goodbye and pay my respects. Also to realize what I really did want in my future. I would love to just sit here and talk all night with these guys, but I know I have to go home and get stuff done. More packing to do. More clothes to be washed, boxes to be taped up. The people at the bowling alley were nice enough to provide me with those. You never realize how much stuff you really have until you have to move out somewhere. Hell, I didn't even have half of my stuff packed and was getting worried with all the stuff I have, how it was going to all fit.

I take one long look as I stand outside looking over the bowling alley. This was a big, a huge part of my growing up. I'm about to say goodbye to a lot of memories, a lot of people, a major landmark in my growing up. It was time to take one last good look at it and tell myself that this part of my life was coming to an end. It was time to go away from here and start a new life for myself. Time to make new memories and friends. It was time to say goodbye to a long time friend. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and the millions of thoughts and memories rushed through me. I opened my eyes and said goodbye out loud. I didn't even feel weird about doing it. It really was a safe place for me. I was sad to go, but I really had to.

I got into my car and gave it a glance and a smirk. I started my car and drove off. Good bye old friend.

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