Chapter 5

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I don't think I stopped smiling the entire way back home. Singing along with the metal playing on the radio.  I had such an amazing feeling throughout my body. I felt like I could conquer the world right now. It was about a half an hour drive from my house to hers. I don't think I really paid attention to anything but singing and how her luscious lips felt around my cock and the explosion down her throat. As I walked in, my step dad was passed out in his chair like usual and my mom was in bed. I jumped in the shower and cleaned up the leftovers and drool and a little bit of lipstick on my cock. I don't think I'll ever forget this night.

I slept like a rock that night. My mind was so at ease. I had released 18 years of sexual needs down Tammys throat. I dreamed of all the things I could do with her. All the dirty things we  could accomplish sexually before I left for college at the end of the summer. I woke up the next morning with the biggest smile on my face you had ever seen. I was in la la land. I must have looked silly at the breakfast table just staring at the wall smiling. My mom was there eating her Cheerios next to me. She asked, "What's going on with you Mr. Smiley?". I let out a little laugh and replied, "I'm just in a good mood because we bowled really well last night and met a few new people". My mom immediately said with a smile, "And what's her name?". I must have turned about a million shades of red before I told her "Tammy". How did she know I met a girl? Mom's seem to know everything don't they? It's annoying to think about but it's so very true. We sat and had a little bit of small talk about their uneventful evening watching TV. I tuned it all out. All I could think about was her, Tammy. What was she up to this morning? Is she thinking about me? Did she tell anybody about me? Is she as happy as I am?

I tend to think about things more than I should sometimes. I can't help it. It's how I am. I've never had any problems with it so why stop now. I found myself staring at the phone, wondering if she'd call. I had her phone number but she said that she would call me sometime today  to talk or gossip or whatever the case may be.. I didn't want to initiate it, that would make me seem needy, would it not? It turned out being a quiet morning. The phone never rang. I was mildly disappointed, but I had to think positive. If she was anything like me she's probably just playing it like I would and waiting the unwritten grace period. That, at this moment, just seemed silly. Why the fuck would somebody willingly want to wait to talk to somebody that they like and could possibly be involved with? Who knows. Whoever came up with that idea was an idiot.

In the meantime I just found random things to do around the house. Laundry, dishes, dusting. Anything to pass the time and stay inside so I could hear if the phone rang. I know it sounds insane to be doing this but I had to. I needed to hear from her. I needed to see her again soon. I needed to at least hear her voice. Every time the phone rang I jumped up to answer it, but it was never her. I don't think I've ever needed anything more in my life. What the hell was I doing? Why was I waiting around for her? I barely know her. Questions that my conscience just couldn't answer at the time.

When my mom came home she was happy to see that I was still there and the house was clean. She thanked me for doing all the work around the house. I tried to pitch in when I could. She worked hard, she deserved a break from time to time. It wasn't the reason this time but she didn't need to know. She put her work stuff down and gave me a hug and then went straight to the kitchen to make dinner. I offered to help as usual when I was there, but like usual, she declined. Normally I'd say ok and walk away. Tonight I insisted. Mentally I had a bad day waiting for Tammy to call and thinking of a million reasons why she didn't. I needed to take my mind off of things at least for tonight. I enjoyed cooking with my mom. She made it fun and I knew it would help me out later on in life, even as soon as college in a couple months. We had some chicken fettuccine alfredo. Garlic toast on the side. It was delicious as always. Garlic is probably one of my favorite spices, flavors, and smells. We talked about our days. She talked about work, I talked about how messy the house was and we both got a little laugh out of that. Like I have room to complain, I make part of the mess. After all the small talk we clear our plates and I help her out once again with dishes. I felt a lot better. My stress was nearly gone. Things felt normal and my mind was finally at ease. It's really amazing how just doing normal everyday things can take your mind away from stress. I think that's why my mom did what she did nearly every night. Walk in the door, put her work stuff down and start dinner. It was her routine. Her way of relieving stress and forgetting about all the dumb stuff that occurs every day. I was finally starting to see that.

I knew I was growing up and learning all kinds of things about adult life and responsibilities, but they just don't teach you this stuff. It's observed and learned.

I thanked her for the wonderful dinner she made and got cleaned up. We watched a little TV together before it was time to take a shower and then go to bed. It wasn't such a bad day after all. I hoped Tammy would call, but as it turned out, I'm glad I didn't go anywhere. I got to see my mom smile and I got to enjoy her company. That was just fine with me. Tomorrow will be a new day. I'm sure it will be just as good. Maybe even a little bit better.

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