Chapter 21: Mount Mahar

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Shereen screams while crumbling the bones of Enforcers lining the hall leading to Ager's chamber. Forcing open the door to find Ager on his knees in front of a shrine to Rose. This was different. He has never prayed before.


Striking him across the back of his head.

"Get up!"  She orders.

"She killed them! That bitch killed Stra and Dilda." Shereen hollas. 

Startled. Ager rises to his feet, glaring outside of his door.

"If you don't stop killing my Enforcers, you will join them!" He exclaims.

"I am sorry my King. Will you forgive me?" She asks. 

"Of course." He says before grabbing hold and kissing her.

She returns the favor as his kiss ignites a fire between them, but there is no time for this so she pulls away.

"We must deliver on your promise to Boilos. Bring him her head!" Shereen orders. 

"He wants her alive; I will deliver. Just keep the ten-strong enough to hold him and his morphs at the wall. Let me worry about the Dawn.

Shereen decided not to make known the disappearance of one of her ten. 

Two Dreds enter and stand as statues by the door. Ager does not entertain Dreds. Not as long as she has been by his side.

"What are they doing here? Where are you going?" Shereen demands. 

"To deliver." He responds with a smirk. 

Escalating through the spectrum clouds brings neutrality. Just for a moment, Kalera wanted not to care about the dilemma of the realm.  She wanted to behold her students again. Seeing herself in front of their inquisitive faces with Musfall handing out native candies brings a smile. 

Xavgon lands in a grove of trees near the foot of the mountain. Sliding down, she takes in the wonder of Mahar.  Dragon trees reflecting the spectrum lines the terrain. Two massive transparent falls they behold as she takes notice of the native creatures inside. They glow blue and sparkle like raining glitter.

 They glow blue and sparkle like raining glitter

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Sounds Rome as she realizes he had not barked in a long while. Xavgon places sacks on the ground then open his mouth releasing the Elementos onto a bed of tolean cloth. Carefully, Kalera ties bowline knots securing them.

"I don't want to leave you Mother." Xavgon said.

"I know, but people in the other realms may not believe without you. You will stand as a witness and guard for our friends. I will not allow us to bond while I am here. I need your thoughts clear for what lies ahead." She responds.

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