"Wow, that's all the way on the other side of America." Tyler stated the obvious, and Mia just slouched further. They were in New York.

"But that's okay." Mia looked up and smiled. "Today is going to be one hundred percent free of stress and sadness. Just you and me." She reached her hand out to grab Tyler's, and he linked them together. "and maybe we can go somewhere quieter after we eat to take our minds off of life?"

Tyler melted into her touch and her soothing words. A small smile found its way on his face and he nodded almost unwillingly. Josh chuckled into his ear. "Dude, she's doing our job for us."

After a little bit more of talking, the food came, and they were munching— as sophisticatedly as possible— on the little bit of food left on their plates.

Mia wiped her mouth once she was done, and smiled. She took a long swig of her wine. "I say we go to your apartment."

Tyler's cheeks flushed a tint of red, and he heard Josh chuckle. "Alright then, lets go."

Once the food was payed for, they walked, out hand in hand, for both of their parked cars.

"Dude, this girl is desperate. I thought we were going to have to go on a few dates to get her alone, but now this is a perfect time to kill her. Just don't get blood on my carpet."

Tyler parked the car and watched as Mia drove her's into the parking spot next to him.

Mia got out and walked over to his window. "Let's go inside." She lured, opening his door and making her way to him and Josh's apartment complex.

He quickly joined her, a form of excitement bursting into his gut, even though he knew they weren't actually going to do the one thing he couldn't get his mind off of.

"Okay, so I say you tell her you need to go get freshen up and go into the bathroom. I have chloroform in there, with just enough she'll be out with ease." Josh explained, as Tyler was unlocking his door.

He walked inside, his insides basically killing themselves for what was to come. He didn't want to do this anymore.

"L-let me go to the bathroom and get some things, make yourself comfortable." He choked out. His body ached with anxiety, and it refused to move without a fight.

"No!" She whined, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her face close to his ear. "Don't go just yet."

Tyler let out a long breath, as he felt her lips to his jawline. "I have something to show you first." She luringly whispered, and Tyler hummed in a trance.

"Dude, come on. I don't want to hear this shit. Go in the bathroom. It's in the top cabinet." Tyler could hardly hear Josh anymore. He was to caught up in Mia.

Mia looked at him with dazzling eyes, swaying their bodies back and forth. Tyler was unable to look away from her beauty. His eyes full of temptation, lust, and interest. "What do you wanna show me?" He asked, glancing down at her lips.

Mia bit her lip, and kissed him. Tyler felt her move one of her hands and unzip her purse that she had still strapped over her shoulder. He couldn't get enough of her, that he didn't even notice the gun she had pointing to his abdomen.

She pulled away from the kiss, and Tyler leaned in for another only to be faced with the gun being held out to his chest.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" She asked roughly. Her voice had changed from alluring and soothing, to rough and low.

Tyler's eyes went wide in shock, and he shook his head. "I didn't- I don't- I don't want to." He answered honestly, but she shook her head.

"Do you really think I wouldn't be able to see passed your good act? I could hear that man in your ear. It wasn't loud but I could hear!" She seemed hurt. "I actually liked you too. Thank god my dad forced me to carry a gun in my purse, right?"

Tyler shook his head. "Mia, I- I-"

"Save it. It's better off if you don't speak. Now I want you to leave me alone, and stay the hell out of my life, got it?"

Tyler nodded, his eyes not leaving the gun. "Tell your friend to leave me alone too. I know there's a good person in you Tyler, and I really don't want to hurt you. So just leave me alone."

Tyler nodded. And Mia, quickly opened the door and rushed out of the apartment.

"Dude, you ruined it."

"Shut up Josh."


Different. Dark. Awesome?

Tyler Joseph ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz