Welcome To Trench

328 9 15

Warning: talk of suicide.

Words 3266


Today marks the day I escape. Either that or the day I die. I'm open to either, but no in between.

This place is dreadful, and even though the best way seems to be death; I can't give in. If I give in it's favoring the the office in charge.

So that is why I am escaping.

I won't give up.

Y/n shut her worn out notebook, quickly stuffing it in her backpack with one motion.
Her white rimmed sunglasses along with them in their assigned place in her bag.

She had to move quickly. A meeting with the Bishops was starting soon, and that was her time to escape.

She began her march over to her front door. She wrapped her fingers around the doorknob and waited.

She took calm and collective breaths, preparing herself for the ultimate run she would have to endure.

She was listening for The Horn. The horn signaled everyone in dema to make their way to the neon room, which is where the Bishops would use the neon to form their brains and morph their feelings to the bishops pleasure.

As she heard the first blare of the horn her stomach began to twist with anxiety. It was almost time.

"One." She counted quietly, already out of breath due to her uneasy feeling.

The horn boomed again, another signal that put notice for the people.

"Two..." she trailed off this time, getting down into a running position, her hand now pushing down on the knob.

By the third horn she was off, dashing out of her room and down the hall towards the graveyard.

The graves surrounded dema, so she made sure she was going the right direction with the tiny piece of paper she had of a compass.

She knew she had to go East, due to a letter she found and solved. She just had to follow the sunrise. She also found a small box, filled with yellow duct tape and white rimmed glasses.

She rushed passed the neon gravestones, which marked the suicidal deaths; the good deaths, or so the Bishops said. To y/n she felt quite sad about them, and did not accept it.

Once she got to the wall of dema she quickly squeezed herself into the tiny alley way. It was only barely wide enough to fit her.

She began to quickly lift the wooden sheet, used as a makeshift trapdoor, and disappeared behind it, going down into the tunnel below.

She quickly shut the trapdoor, staying quiet.

the reason she was running was coming soon. She just had to wait it out.

She began to quickly open her bag, and take the white rimmed glasses, and duct tape. She covered herself with the tape, and then put the sunglasses on.

She remembered her father telling her stories of how he tried to escape. He found out he had to wear yellow to escape the watchers. So, she wore the duct tape she found.

She crawled up in the former of the tunnel, and sat down waiting.

Soon the trapdoor began to rumble and a big thud began to happen. Soon watchers flooded the tunnel, going straight for the other side. Usually you couldn't see watchers, only their bright lights but the sunglasses made them identifiable.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now