Chapter 1

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Scene One; Take One

Trouble wasn't Kate Wright's style. So when she kicked one of her fellow classmates in the balls her teacher was shocked to say the least.
Laurie Todd was no stranger to skipping class but being caught was relatively new to her. So was getting detention for it.
Julia Briar was a character who was not new to detention so when she was found spray painting the gym walls, well no one was really that surprised.
The three girls got detention and that is where we will truly start our story. With Kate sitting at the front of class doing some homework, Julia rolling a joint under her desk and Laurie talking loudly with a mate of hers.
The topic of Laurie's conversation was one that did not truly belong in a detention class. She was arguing with the guy next to her about gay marriages. He was rather against the idea and this didn't settle well with Laurie. Or Kate who was listening in to the conversation, or Julia who was just looking for a fight.
The teacher was either asleep or dead no one really knew, but they did know he didn't even lift a finger to try and stop the fight that broke out shortly after the homophobic guy let out a truely rude comment.

Julia was just listening in on the conversation taking place behind her. She rather liked the girl who kept stating that its their life and they can live it how they want, Julia also appreciated the comment on how many of the best musicians were gay. But she really did not like the comment that came out of the guys mouth. Julia was actually the reason that guy was in detention. She and him had gotten into a verbal and than physical fight earlier in the week, because of this same topic actually. You see Julia's father was a lawyer who currently had this boys father in court for drunken assault on a police officer and being drunken and disorderly in public spaces. Plus Julia's father was gay.
So when this boy lashed out at Julia during one of their shared classes she gave him a piece of her mind... and fist.
But today Julia was tired and didn't feel like fighting, until the boy said something like; 'gays are probably better than those bisexuals or pansexuals or whatever they are'. She watched the girl in the row ahead of her visibly tense up and shudder so she leaned forward and whispered to the girl;
'Don't worry love, I am about to give him the shits.' The girl turned around and Julia winked at her.
Than Julia stood up and slammed the guys head onto his table. Causing Laurie, the girl he was conversing with, to let out a loud laugh. To be honest she was getting sick of the awful boy and his awful comments.

'Fuck man that was crazy!' Laurie laughed at the odd redhead in front of her. Laurie didn't know her but she looked like one of the art students by the amount of paint stains on her shirt.
'He was being rude.' She responded with before swaggering out of the class. Once again the teacher in charge didn't even try to stop her.

Laurie and Kate both stood to follow. Kate to thank her for her actions and Laurie just thought this kid could be cool.
'Hey wait up' and 'excuse me' we're both sent Julia's way as she turned to face the two others.
'Yeah?' Julia wasn't much for social interactions and would rather be left to her own devises.
'I was just going to thank you for what you did.' Kate said as she smiled at Julia who just looked at her with confusion.
'No need to thank me hon, he was being a jerk and that's what jerks get.' Julia smiled back, loosing the look of confusion at the sudden realisation that this was the girl who was sitting in front of her in detention.
'I think you knocked him out bro.' Laurie laughed. Julia's smile widened and even Kate gave a little smirk.
'Good.' The three girls kept walking to the exit, all deciding they were done with detention for the day.
'Hey I am hungry, wanna get subway or something?' Laurie suggested.
'As long as I am not paying.' Julia laughed.
'Actually I know this really nice diner, it's like vintage themed.' Kate squeaked our. Kate was shy and that's no lie. She had friends but wasn't good at making new ones. And if you had of told her the s'morning that she was going to be eating lunch with some girl who smells like pot and likes to fight and another that has bags under her eyes and dirt under her nails she might have fainted.
But nonetheless they headed off to the diner.


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