Jai's shoulders dropped as he hung his head. "You have nothing to thank us for. I just wish we would have been able to save Escarral from Guinevere and Corliss."

Evelien bumped her shoulder against his. "Who's to say we won't in time?"

He huffed out a laugh, finally looking back over at her before down at Imrie, who had taken to staring at him instead of her mother. She seemed to be wide awake and not looking to go back to sleep once Evelien went inside.

"No sleeping for you, huh, little lady?" Evelien asked as she brushed her finger against Imrie's cheek before letting out a yawn of her own. "Guess it's another night with little sleep for your momma and daddy."

Still staring at the little girl, Jai held out his hands. "I can watch her for a few hours if you'd like so you and Merek can get some sleep."

She looked a little skeptical. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Of course. Besides, it'll give me something else to think of rather than everything that's just happened."

Evelien stared at him for a moment longer before nodding and giving him a grateful smile. "If you're sure, I will take you up on the offer," she said before passing the bundled up Imrie to him.

Jai stared down at her while Evelien stood and went inside the tent before appearing once more. He didn't even look up as she put a blanket around them both and setting down a bag with a bottle, diapers, and wipes in case he needed them. Before Evelien left, she asked if he was sure once more, but Jai just lifted a hand to wave her off, and she leaned down to kiss his cheek in thanks before disappearing again.

He didn't know how much time had passed, just that in watching Imrie definitely did take his mind off of everything and allowing him to remember the dreams with his own little girl in his arms. Imrie was quick to take a liking to him, though, her eyes wide as she stared and cooed and made all sorts of noises like she was trying to make conversation. Jai found himself smiling as her hands wrapped around his fingers. She only started fussing when it was time for her next feeding and then again once she was finished and her diaper needed changing.

Jai started talking to Imrie by then, just about what he imagined how she and Balian would grow up. He had a sneaking suspicion the baby girl in his arms would be the best of friends with Dessa and Gideon and Thia's daughter and that Balian would be another addition to the rowdy group of males with Elys, Eamon, and Archer.

As night began to fall and the stars blinked to life above them, the others began to come across where they were. Camilla and Soren watched as he'd fed her, Allel and Mik when he'd wrapped her back up in her blankets after changing her, and Gideon and Thia when he was talking softly to her as they both stared up at the sky.

It was an hour later as both Jai and Imrie, nestled against his chest, were starting to fall asleep that Lyv appeared. By then, Jai had moved beside Roshan for warmth since the sun was now dipping below the horizon. The dragon had perked up to look down at the baby in Jai's arms, hummed, and gave Jai a knowing look that had him rolling his eyes. As soon as Lyv appeared, though, both of them looked her way. She was wrapped tight in a cloak, her eyes tired looking, but she smiled softly as soon as she saw them.

Jai met her smile with one of his own as he shifted, making Imrie let out a cry of protest before she quickly fell back asleep with her hands wrapped around his fingers.

"How did you get put on babysitting duty?" Lyv asked as she sat down beside him, leaning over to brush her hand over the top of Imrie's head before fixing the blanket around her.

"I offered," he chuckled. "Merek and Evelien looked like they hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks what with the evacuation and being on the road, not to mention having a newborn. Balian was already wanting bed, but this little one was wide awake, so we've just been out here talking and looking at the stars as they started appearing. She's not very talkative. I'm sure that'll change in time, though."

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