"6 months"

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Tuesday, 30th November

It was our 6 months anniversary. My Johnny and I were already 6 months together and it literally felt like a second and forever at the same time. Time had passed so quickly but I neither could imagine my life without him anymore.

He was the first person to make me smile every day and the last person to give me the happy feeling I was falling asleep with. He was on my mind 24/7 and unlike other relationships, I felt like my feelings for him only grew with each day instead of slowly disappearing.

Johnny had picked me up from my apartment and was walking with me through the city, telling me that he chose a special restaurant where we'd eat.

He was dressed all black except for that white shirt he wore underneath his coat. He wore only one silver chain and a couple of rings as always. His hair was back combed, showing more of his gorgeous face.

I dressed in a tight, ruby dress that almost reached to my knees, black heels and black tights underneath since it was already November.

"6 months" I quietly whispered as we were walking down the street, holding hands, towards my 'surprise'.

I bought Johnny a new ring that was even too big for my thumb but should suit his fingers perfectly. There was a ship engraved since I somehow was all about the pirate thing since Halloween.

"You know that I'm not a big fan of surprises, just tell me which restaurant you chose" I complained. I knew it was more of a WOW moment with surprises but idk I just wasn't a big fan of it.

"You're such a baby" Johnny said and caused myself to giggle. I like being called a child, which didn't happen sporadically, since I totally missed my childhood and the crazy way I was allowed to behave like.

"It's the italian restaurant where we had our first real talk, do you remember?" he questioned and I immediately nodded my head yes.

I remember that day and how pissed I actually was about the way he used to be in my presence. But this day really changed everything in our relationship and if I could rewind those months I'd literally change nothing.

"That's cute though" I smiled as I softly kissed his cheek. We entered the restaurant only 5 minutes after and sat on a table for two. The restaurant wasn't expensive and had no 5 stars but it had a meaning to us so I really didn't mind eating there. On the contrary, I found it all even more beautiful.

You don't always have to spent money to show love and affection.

We ordered our food and drinks and thanked the Italian waitress who walked off again. I looked after her until I felt Johnny taking my hand in his own one. I looked back to him and smiled at the way he gazed back at me.

"I'm hungry as hell so I'll just say what I want to say now to not interrupt myself from eating later" he said and caressed my palm with his thumb. I giggled at him and nodded my head slightly.

"There really aren't many people that mean as much to me as you do. I've had a really really rough time since a couple of years but everything got so much better once I met you. Everytime I think about drinking again I remember everything you've done for me and only having you for my own gives me strength and willingness to continue living. Your smile, your laugh and just your presence lights up my world, I really just want to thank you for being there for me and with me. It and especially you mean the world to me."

By the end of his DRAMATICALLY CUTE speech I was literally smiling so widely that my cheeks already hurt. The things he said about me made me so unbelievably happy and speechless, he didn't even know.

Tell Me. || Johnny Depp [complete]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن