"I like you a lot."

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Sunday, 30th May

So after that EXTREMELY EMBARRASSING moment Johnny called a cab to get me home first. He waited inside the cab while I ran upstairs in my hotel room to change clothes.

I decided on wearing a baby blue dress that reached to my knees and a white sweater above. I also wore white socks and sneakers. My style looked so much like the 80s but I loved it.

80s were the best time to be a teenager, in my opinion.

I quickly looked in the mirror to fix make up and hair before I grabbed my bag and went outside again. Johnny leaned against the cabs door and opened it for me once I got closer.

He smiled at me when I pecked his cheek and slowly sat down in the car. "Such a gentleman" I said and he winked with his left eye before he sat down beside me. That wink had me melting inside of me and grinning uncontrollably. What was he doing to me?

"You look so gorgeous! I love that dress" he said once the car pulled away and drove to an address Johnny had told the driver. I quietly thanked him as my grin only widened and leaned against his chest so he wouldn't see it. Johnny laid his arm around my shoulder and carefully caressed my upper arm. His fingertips felt so good against my skin.

"sooo where exactly are we going?" I asked after I stared out the window for a while. We drove along a road that led beyond the city and I wondered what he was planning to do. I looked up when I asked but he already had that smile on his face that told me he wouldn't say a thing.

"You'll see sweetheart, just wait" he said and kissed me on the forehead. I couldn't help the smile even though I really wanted to know where our date was going to take place. I was part of it, I had the right to know.

Anyhow, we drove and drove and I was right about driving out of our town. I watched the landscape and tried to figure out where we were going but I gave up very quickly. I know our city but I almost know nothing 'bout the world beyond it.

It was already getting a little dark since we'd really spent most of the day in his bed, busy with talking, cuddling, kissing and stuff. Not that I hadn't enjoyed that you can bet ya ass that I did!

We drove up a hill and after some minutes the cab stopped in front of an huge building. It mostly had the same structure as Johnny's house, that modern white box structure. We excited the car and payed for the drive.

The building was bright lightened from the lamps inside which had this warm sun likely color. I heard a couple of voices talking and quiet, slow music echoing. It looked like a local or restaurant or something like that.

"Is it a restaurant?" I asked him as he took my hand and walked further to the entrance. My Johnny nodded his head and climbed those two stairs with me before a man asked us if we had an reservation.

I took a quick look inside and I gotta say that this restaurant really looked like it must be pretty expensive. "Yes, a table for two. Name's Depp" he said and the man looked down in his notebook. He then nodded his head after he seemed to have found Johnny's reservation and said "please follow me".

Johnny laid his hand on my lower back and gently pushed me forwards as we made our ways through the building. "It's a restaurant, yes, but wait for the view" he said and winked with his left eye. I furrow my eyebrow in ignorance but still follow the man in front of us.

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