"Do you-.."

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(For some reason wattpad switches two of my chapters and I can't do anything to change that. This one comes first)

Saturday, 24th April

Well, end of april turned out to be extremely warm that year. The sun shone bright and filled everything with warmth and light. Even the plants and trees were already turning green again. I loved that though. As much as I enjoyed winter, spring and summer will always be my favorite seasons.

The little thing that happend in my hotel room three weeks ago wasn't much of a talk anymore. We actually never talked about it after it happend. Still, it always was the first and last thing on my mind when I was waking up and going to sleep. I was fangirling like a teenie but really didn't want it. I felt kinda bad for thinking of him that way but hey there was no other choice!

Johnny and I decided on going for a picnic that day which caused myself to be really excited. I loved picnics, they're always so relaxing with the food, nature and humans you went with. Johnny told me he knew the perfect place to do such thing, I had no other choice than trust him in that.

We first met in front of a grocery store at 10 o clock in the morning. We looked around for food we wanted to buy and make since we planned to stay a little time outside. After shopping we drove to his house and made all different types of food. Noodles, salads, vegetable and fruit mixes and sandwiches. It was gorgeous.

"Johnny, you sure we'll eat all of this?" I laughed as he handed me all the food before I placed it in the picnic hamper. "Definitely not, but who knows" he shrugged his shoulders and handed me the drinks we bought as well. I agreed to buy a red wine we could drink later or so. I didn't plan on really opening it but Johnny made me buying it. He's barely been drunk so I didn't feel bad for letting him.

After we finished all that as well, we called a cab that drove us to the place Johnny told me about. It was beyond the city on a little hill. There was one big tree that stood there and under which we layed down our blanket. You could see some of the countryside but also the city from above, it was a pretty view.

When we finally sat down and unpacked the basket it was already 1 pm so we ate some of our food. I layed down on my stomach and ate from our salad as I watched the city in front of us. "Funny how small something big can look from far away, right?" I wondered before I shove a spoon of tomatoes in my mouth.

He held a sandwich in his hand as he layed down beside me. "Funny how beautiful it can look when in reality it truly is a mess" he commented causing me to roll my eyes. "You're always so negative towards cities, stooop it" I playfully yelled and nudged his shoulder. "Alright alright I'll stop. But true, down here the world looks so big and wide. Realizing that it's just a tiny ball inside of a big universe is kinda hilarious" he chuckled and took another bite of the sandwich in his hands.

I nodded my head and let out a comfortable sigh. Spending time with my Johnny literally was pure happiness, I wanted to spend my whole life with him. Lmao this wasn't meant to sound like I was proposing to him. I just felt so happy around this guy, that I wanted to feel like this forever.

"Do you-.." I started but stopped when I thought of how stupid this question could actually sound. However, he convinced me to ask anyway so I asked "do you sometimes think about this one little thing, that could change so much in your life and you wonder whether you should do it or not?".

This question was referred to my thoughts and dreams of finally touching his lips with mine. I didn't know why I was focused on that and why I couldn't get rid of it but my crush seemed to grow and grow with each day. I liked this guy so much, it was insane. I'd say it even hurt. There were those moments when I couldn't talk, move, blink, breath or anything else. When I could nothing but stare until my eyes hurt.

Anyways it took him some time to think about his answer until he said "I think I do. I think everyone does sometimes. Question is if they end up doing it. I mean most people end up accepting their life as it turned out, not really caring if they could've changed anything. I wish I wasn't like that but sometimes I am. We all are. So, yes I do, but it needs courage to really do it". Wow that was deep. And it kind of made me thinking about what I was talking about.

Did I have that courage to try it? Was I that brave to maybe embarrass myself and ruin everything we had? No, definitely not.

I surely somehow could manage to keep everything like it was between me and my Johnny, I think, but I couldn't live with us being on bad terms. No, I didn't want that. "Okay. I guess I need to find that courage first" I chuckled and leaned my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes for a moment.

"You'll find it someday. Was that referred to anything that bothers you at the moment? You can talk to me, you know that right?" Johnny questioned as he moved his head to the side, looking into my eyes. Our faces were so damn close omg. I stared back for a few seconds before I blinked and found to myself again. "no no I uh .. I was just wondering. But I guess I'm one of those who wouldn't be as brave as doing something risky like that. I'd be too afraid of losing something" I stated with my hands in the green grass, twirling it around my fingers.

"There's always a pro and con. You gotta answer the questions if it's what you want and if it's worth to may lose something for it. If you can answer both with a yes, then you definitely should give it a try." ... "Some people even try without thinking but that's just dumb" I chuckled along with him as he added that last sentence.

"That's what Louise and Luke did, right?" I mumbled quietly, totally regretting that I mentioned that. Even though I was the happiest I've ever been, I sometimes wonder what these two were thinking when they decided to.. well y'know.

"Yes, that's what they did. They did something without thinking of what they could lose. And they lost a lot."
What was this guy's mission? Anything, literally anything he said was SO charming, wise and beautiful. "They lost me, that's all" I chuckled and took a little sip of my water.

I felt his eyes on me when I put that bottle down again but didn't want to turn my head. I was scared of another staring contest lol.

"Yeah, you. That's a lot" he then said. My eyes widened slightly and I felt my cheeks heating up like a Pizza in the oven. I turned my head towards him, finding myself staring in his eyes (obviously) as he looked in mine as well. My breath was shaking as his face moved a bit closer to mine, was it happening??


He's so charming wth

thank you so much for reading <3
I'm sorry for any kind of mistakes, english is not my first language :)

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