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Thursday, 27th August

I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but I was enjoying my life af. I had such a great time with Melissa and her two boys and Johnny called me almost every day to check on me.

Sweetheart, this hotel is amazing.
They have so many offerings
and activities here, I love it!
thank you, once again

Stop thanking me already.
I'm happy to hear that though!
Enjoy your time without me, I'll
be back on Saturday I guess

Me too and I can't wait to
see you again! By the way, did
you tell your mother already?

No not yet, I'm meeting her in
half an hour. And you're really
fine with that? She can be a
bitch sometimes and criticizes
everything and everyone.

Stop it, she's your mom, of
course I want her to know
about me. And she definitely
has the rights to criticize me.

No she doesn't! Not in my

I heard a sweet chuckle of his.

thanks sweetheart.

You're welcome but I really
gotta go now unless I wanna
be late.

alright alright I'll call you in
the evening. Have a great time!

"Byeee" I yelled into my phone and hung up afterwards. I still had this dreamy smile on my face and literally couldn't get rid of it for the next few minutes.

Either if I was calling, talking or only thinking of him, this man could make me smile like a mess and I didn't know if I was happy or confused and ashamed of it. The feelings his voice and presence gave me sometimes scared the shit outta me and I didn't know a thing about how to control it.

I was afraid of falling for him since he may wouldn't love me back. Was I loving him? Was I loving my Johnny? I really did not know but I was scared to.

I exited the bathroom again and wore my shoes. I went in Louis' room to get him ready and lifted him up. "We'll go see grandma today" I told him as we made our way towards the front door.

Melissa and Dustin took a quick nap after lunch and now were enjoying themselves somewhere outside. I was happy to help them a little with Louis lately.

I walked out of the building and softly kissed Louis' cheek before laying him down in his buggy. I made sure that he was comfortable too.

"Alright buddy we have 15 minutes before we'll meet grandma so enjoy the peace" I chuckled as I shove the buggy in front of me while walking down the street. The grass shone brightly because of the sun that was at its highest place and there literally was not one cloud to see.

"You see, this is countryside, you'll grow up with those things and may not know how beautiful it actually is here. But this place is the prettiest on earth" I told him. I know it sounds kinda weird but I literally talked to my 3 months old nephew as if it was the most normal thing.

I lifted him up again after we reached the place where I wanted to meet my mom and sat down in the grass. It was a cute meadow surrounded by apple trees. I held this little angel in my arms and carefully pressed him against me. I knew that I wouldn't let it happen but I was afraid of letting him fall. "And now we only have to wait".

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