when you smile

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Castiel had always admired Dean. His courage, his loyalty, but most of all; his friendship.

In the past few weeks, Castiel had got even closer to Dean because now, Castiel was a human. With human thoughts, human feelings, human needs.
Now Castiel had lost his grace, it was only natural for him to spend more time with the hunters.

Sam was nice, kind, thoughtful, calming. Castiel liked Sam.
A lot.
But Dean...Dean was different. Castiel knew, although still very unfamiliar with the concept of human emotion, that his like for Dean was very different than his like for the younger brother.

He felt that he could just watch Dean all day, all night, with no talking, and just be content with seeing him smile, laugh, eat, sleep, live.
It was a strange concept for Castiel and he didn't quite understand it. How could he?

He had meant to bring it up with Dean, but Sam was always there in the bunker, talking, reading, or just sitting there on his laptop; researching.

Castiel didn't know much about human friendship, but he knew enough not to start a conversation like that in front of Dean's younger brother.
He had a feeling it could become awkward.
Dean didn't like awkward.
Neither did Castiel.
It made him feel uncomfortable; as if he had done something wrong.

Castiel jumped as Dean suddenly bounded into the room, interrupting Castiel's deep thoughts into human behaviour.
Dean started at the sight of Castiel sitting ponderously on the brown leather sofa with his hands forming a steeple under his chin, squinting into the distance; deep in thought. It reminded him of that show Sherlock and he chuckled to himself before saying in a cheerful voice

"Err, hey Cas"

Castiel heard Dean's voice but didn't turn his head. He carried on staring at the wall for a time before answering monotonously

"Hello Dean"

Dean smiled to himself as the ex-angel spoke his favourite catchphrase. Dean loved the way Cas said his name.

"So, err, Cas, Sam's out stocking up on food, what you up to?"

Up to.... UP to....Castiel was hurt.
Was Dean making a joke about him being on Earth?
Was he making fun of Cas being human?
Was he mocking Castiel's lack of wings?
Because Castiel could never be UP anymore.

Castiel didn't realise that it was just a way of asking if he was ok.
Castiel didn't know Dean was just trying to be kind.
Castiel didn't realise how fragile human emotions could be.
And Castiel didn't know how to control them.

He turned his head sharply towards Dean, anger flaring in his ocean blue eyes.

"UP Dean... You know very well I will never be UP again" he growled

Dean took a step back, surprised. Then realised what Castiel must have thought he meant.

"Oh God, Cas I'm sorry, I didn't realise, It's just a thing we say...y'know, as a greeting, to know if you're ok or whatever..."

Cas stood up abruptly and marched towards Dean. He was already halfway over to dean before he realised what he had said.

"Shit" dean muttered under his breath...Cas was really mad.

Castiel began yelling


Castiel's deep blue eyes began to shine and sparkle as tears welled up; threatening to spill over.

"No Cas! I didn't mean it like that!!" Spluttered Dean, backing away from the furious ex-angel.

Dean knew how dangerous emotions could be when they run wild like this.
Especially on Cas, who had only been human for a few short weeks.
Castiel, the pure, innocent ex-angel probably didn't even know what anger felt like.

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