How Do Sociopaths Typically React When Confronted?

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Typically? A genuine sociopath who is properly diagnosed with ASPD would remain calm.

Often times in their younger ages (refer to Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages), sociopaths do things that they were inherently built to do. They hurt, manipulate, and lie because ever since they had their vulnerability, empathy, and the ability to sympathise got taken advantage of, the simple characteristics of what we typically think has to be in human beings to be considered a good human being, is an absentee. However, I'd like to add that the things listed above are what we think should be considered good because somebody else told us so. Would we have the same morals if we had different parents? The answer is a massive no. We think we have our own moral compass, but we must recognise that our moral compass is not our own until it is free of peer or parental influence. Who are we to decide what's to be considered good or bad? Honest or dishonest? A monster or a human? Well, we're no one. The sole reason we'd know what is considered bad is by witnessing a negative action taking place that results in people getting hurt. Irregardless whether it's an emotional or physical kind of hurt, we see this, and we immediately connect it to ourselves. "Do I want this happening to me? No. Therefore, I shouldn't do this to others." It could only mean that the things we do to oppose that "negative scenario" is to do something that is considered good, and is a contributing factor towards our's and the person in question's well-being. Humans are born jealous, liars, and quite deceiving... is what we'd think. Babies are barely exposed towards the world we see in our eyes, which is why they do not have a sense of morality. The way they behave and react purely depends on the baby's perception towards society and what it has seen.

How about sociopaths?

We've talked about how sociopaths are mercilessly beaten both emotionally and physically into becoming sociopaths. Sometimes their sociopathy isn't externalised until certain environmental factors trigger them. However there hasn't been a case in which a person would want oneself to become a sociopath so much that they genuinely turn into one. There always has to be a psychological explanation towards why the person acted out, and in most cases it could be the case of abuse, trauma, or PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Otherwise, no person can shut their brain off of emotions or empathy. Now, since certain children slowly develop into sociopaths, they do things that they are built to do. They get in trouble very often considering they don't experience much of what is considered good or bad, and as sociopaths they naturally lean towards doing more of the bad things than the good things. Said child has no idea that what they do is not entirely acceptable into our society for the sake of our well-being. Yet they haven't a clue on what to do, because having to be accepted into society would mean changing themselves. Their psychology does not allow them to do that. It cannot be possible, therefore they put on a mask and attempt at not exposing themselves the best they can. Since they literally have to suppress who they are, consequences can be followed. They act out, they break rules, they do something extremely dangerous because having to hide who they are is some tough work.
When they act out and hurt, manipulate, lie, and show no empathy, they simply get labelled a monster. The same monsters who are often times on the death penalty - for committing an act they are not fully responsible for. The word sociopath in one's mouth has become somewhat deceitful. So, when confronting a sociopath, they understand that you would either want to try and understand them and later fail, or just completely cut them out in general. They don't have the power to keep you if you are adamant on leaving.

Unless they have you held hostage, in which case the cops should probably be involved.

They don't have a reaction as such. They simply accept the fact that you know, and then they are who they want to be. Sociopaths are commonly known by some people as not-caring individuals, which is what the case is in situations like these. They don't create ruckus, nor do they intend to in the future.

Hello! Apologies for the lack of updating, I'd even forgotten about this book at some point. Not very author-ly of me. Typically I hate doing author's notes, I think it disrupts the book's flow. But now I have to. I'd like you to know that when I initially started writing this book on a google doc, I was pretty young. Say 13 or so. I'm now 16 going on to 17 and I've noticed some grammar and sentence structure that really need fixing in the past chapters and I intend on doing just that in the following chapters. If there's something you find off about my writing style from the last chapters, let me know because I haven't been editing it much.

Thank you for reading this! I know I usually don't:

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Stay rad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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