What is a sociopath?

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The google definition of a sociopath is:
"a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour."
ASPD is inevitable in sociopathy and is most likely the main reason that caused sociopathic behaviours in itself. ASPD stands for Anti Social Personality Disorder, where a person, when developed said disorder, is an outlier from all of society in terms of:

Lack of guilt. Sociopaths simply can not feel guilt, it's not something their brain knows with certainty how to do considering their past experiences have caused them to completely have this part of their brain switched off, never to be used again. However, when needed to act like a normal person, they fake necessary guilt in order to fit themselves in with the crowd. Their act usually have people impelled, allured. Sometimes, motivated. Pretty much every guilt-face they have acquired in front of people and prevailed is horseplay, and fake. From an eminently young age, they have learned that they need to 'mimic' expressions in precise scenarios, because they wouldn't necessarily have a clue on what to do (socially) besides learning how to mimic. It's instinctive. Therefore when needed to play the guilt card, they will do so without a doubt, and will have you completely fooled. But only because they have lost a supply of something themselves, otherwise why would they need to bother considering playing the card in the first place?

Lack of empathy. Along with guilt, sociopaths lack in empathy and fail to empathise with people around them. It's not that they don't try, because frankly, even if they did, it would not be sincere. It would be an act, purely based off of wanting to fit in with society, and the people of. Their brain simply cannot understand or even comprehend how to empathise all together.

Apparent charisma and great brilliance. Sociopaths almost all the time have the wonderful gift of being a natural at charming others. Pretty much anyone. However I can't speak for all sociopaths for having good looks. Because there is no scientific percentage for sociopaths with good looks at all, instead, they are charming and have the natural power to attract those who can be attracted to the sociopath. Traits that include about why they attract the way they do:
- Fearlessness
- Aggression
- Charm
- Confidence
- Pride
- Charisma (most of the times)
- Independence
- Wit
Such traits people love, and since sociopaths have almost all of these, there is no reason for a normal person to NOT like them. Even just a little. This is mainly because sociopaths don't reveal the darker sides to them. I mean, why would they? They want to lure people in, not instantly scare them away. Which actually can happen if, again, you give them enough reasons to.
There are some other reasons besides one-word-traits that people simply love about sociopaths. That is, only if they don't know they're a sociopath, of course. Everything I'm about to list is what a sociopath tends to do, but not for the enlightenment of the other person, but rather the analysis of you for themselves;

When in a conversation with a sociopath, they tend to not speak. Not because they are uninterested in you, in fact, it's the complete polar opposite. They want to know you, study you. As sociopaths lack in empathy, they intend to learn from you. As they study you and get to know you slightly better than anyone else (this is so because, unlike other people who would be interested of the idea of YOU, and talking to YOU and sharing similar/different interests, sociopaths study you more than anything, and learn information of you, basically store it in their minds, then proceed to listen to you some more, giving them multiple opportunities to be able to store more things) they think about the facts you've told them about yourself and use it, making you think they understand you better than anyone else, which then makes you rely on them quite often.

When you begin to get closer towards them, sociopaths will act careless towards you. That sounds like an extreme down factor, but it isn't. Us humans like closure. We sometimes need it, because otherwise it would be impossible for us to move on. Some of us don't need it, but want it. In this case, if you were to be close with a sociopath and consider them a best friend or a partner, there is no doubt they will treat you like crap. It's common for sociopaths to do so, it doesn't matter what happens next to them, they'll simply just move on if you decide to separate or break things off with them. But in a lot of cases, people don't do such a thing. Instead, we go chasing them with curiosity, and sociopaths love that because they know it's only hurting you, which makes you get attached to them even more.

People crave a lot of attention. A sociopath's mind is rather empty, and not much goes through their head. Overthinking is definitely not in their set of vocabulary. Neither is thinking about a person with romantic feelings. Lust? Probably. But love? Love as in the neurotypical definition of love? No. Sociopaths DO love, and probably have been in love. But in their own special way, in which we will get into a little later. Anyhow, since the mind of a sociopath doesn't do a lot of thinking and doesn't worry too often, a lot of its use goes into listening and giving attention to the person who is attached to them. This is not only an advantage to them, but makes the other person feel cared for. It's not genuine care, and it certainly won't last as long as they presume it would, but they do feel cared for, and that's where the sociopath earns their advantage.

Sociopaths fail to understand the concept of fear. They are fearless, and to a lot of us, that is a good trait. It makes us think about how full of life and adventure they are.

There is something I would like to clarify. Going back to my point where not all sociopaths have charismatic features, I didn't mean that they could just be average-looking. No, some sociopaths can be hideous and could very well be the worse looking person you've come across, but the traits and what they do and how they react to things and how they tend to respond to certain situations is charm, and that charm is a sociopath's one and only extremely huge tool.

Being pathological liars. Sociopaths lie. Just for the heck of it. Just because they can. Usually when a neurotypical person lies, they have a reason behind it, a motive that lead them to lie in the first place. An example could be as followed:
A man accidentally dropped his wife's vase that she had cared and protected for a while. The man didn't want to see his wife upset, therefore he headed out and bought a vase identical to the one he shattered. The wife got home and had thought the vase was her original one, and the man was glad the wife didn't suspect a thing.
Whereas a pathological sociopathic liar would lie for a reason as followed:
The woman (the sociopath) lied to her boyfriend about how she went to work today. Lied about what time she came home, and lied about how many drinks she had. She lied about what she ate for breakfast, she lied about her schedule, she lied about how spacious her home is, and lied about every little thing, and no one would quite understand exactly why she lied in certain situations. She could've simply told the truth the scenario would have played out the way it had played out when she lied. But why lie? The answer? Just because she can. Just like she can manipulate.

Cannot carry on about their life plans smoothly. They have a hard time planning them out in the first place, they have major difficulty in actually following it.

The inability to love (the definition of love in the mind of a neurotypical person). They cannot love normally, no matter how hard they try. Well, that's silly of me to say. They wouldn't try loving normally at all. When they do fall in love however, they express it in their own little way. In a way in which a neurotypical person wouldn't appreciate and wouldn't quite understand.

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