What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?

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People have the tendency to mix the two up. And when informed about their lack of knowledge into knowing the difference, their typical response would be coming along the lines of: "well they're wired to act out the way criminals do, therefore both are the same!"

Now, not all sociopaths and psychopaths are criminals. Yes, they certainly can be, and the probability of them being criminals is extremely high, but not all want to risk seeking such attention. In fact, even if they all have the potential to do some great damage, they won't. Sociopaths aren't attention seekers, and don't always do what they have extreme potential in. Here are some different types of sociopaths and psychopaths, and how their behaviours result differently:

There are two types of sociopaths; high functioning, and low functioning. Both are the same, just as dangerous, same level of sociopathy. However what divides the two, is the interrogation they present towards societal norms.

Low functioning sociopath:

Has less control over their impulses.

Doesn't have the skill for lying on the go, making them obvious liars.

The need to think over every step they have to do before performing it.

Low intelligence

Low chance of predicting the consequences of a particular action

Managing their behaviour is extremely poor. 

High functioning sociopath

Has full control over their impulses

Is skillful in lying on the spot, making them great liars

Can proceed into a plan without having to think

High intelligence

High chance of predicting the consequences of a particular action

Have full control over how they should behave

Both of these lists are the exact opposite of each other. It's safe to say that a low functioning sociopath is much more dangerous since they don't have control over anything they do, resulting in them getting into trouble very frequently. In our society, a person like a low functioning sociopath will immediately be classified and known as a sociopath, as they do not follow nor understand societal norms in those terms.

A high functioning sociopath is the complete opposite, and is a master of fitting into societal norms just fine without being a part of it. They tend to never get caught as they act like a normal human being carrying on with a normal life. They have control over what they do, and have higher intelligence, resulting in knowing what should be done and what shouldn't. What should be considered right and what should be considered wrong (in terms of societal norms). As said previously, sociopaths mimic. All sociopaths do, but high functioning sociopaths are usually the ones who master it.

The same list can go for a psychopath, but each slightly better. A low functioning psychopath will do things better than a low functioning sociopath. A high functioning psychopath can do things better than a high functioning sociopath. Because of this, high functioning sociopaths are confused with psychopaths. 

An Understanding: SociopathsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz