Jesse could hear the angry muttering of his brothers at the child's words. The elders are instructed to teach the younglings to not have relations outside of marriage. That insures that there is a wider range of possible candidates for the sacrifice.

Jesse sighs, how can he explain things so that she will understand and be willing to leave there. It is getting late and by now there is a large group of monsters between them and home that they will have to fight through to keep the girl.

"You cannot be the sacrifice because you don't meet the requirements." At the girl's look Jesse explains further. "There are three requirements for the sacrifice: it must be a female, which you are; she must be pure, again you are." At the girl's confused look Jesse tries to clarify, "Not been with a man as a woman is with her husband. Like your sister was with the headman's son, and she got with child." Jesse is more than a little embarrassed now but continues explaining. "The first two requirements you meet easily, but it is the last one that you don't, the girl must be at least sixteen years of age. They gifted you to us, but you cannot be the sacrifice. They must either not remember that last requirement or think it's unimportant, but it is just as important as the other two. If your village doesn't bring us a girl that is pure and of the proper age by tomorrow night they and the other villages will face the consequences."

"Tomorrow night is my sister's wedding, I'm sure that they won't be bringing any other females here." The girl says softly and is once more terrified. This time, though, Jesse is sure that it isn't for her welfare, but that of her former village and the other villages under their protection.

"Then they will find us there to celebrate with them." Jesse says coldly and watches as the girl once more starts crying.

Jesse has never had a problem terrorizing or making others cry. He rather enjoys it actually. He has a well earned reputation and people step back when he is around, even his brothers. Yet, this one small human girl child makes him sigh. "We will not attack the other villages, they have never broken the accords and have fulfilled the treaty diligently. Of your village we will only kill those responsible for breaking the treaty and I'm sorry, but your parents will be as well." 

The girl shrugs, "My parents hated me. They would have given me to the elders to bring here if they had been asked. Perhaps if I've been born a boy my father would have accepted me, but he didn't have time for a second daughter." The girl moves and winces in pain. "The villagers took my parents attitude and treated me like them. My sister was given whatever she wanted with what my parents could give, but she always wanted more. I know this isn't the first time she was with child, she just got rid of the others.

"My sister was popular and she hated me too. Her friends treated me like she did and their little brothers and sisters followed them. 

"Only the ancient ones had any goodness towards me. They would teach me things, how to grow food, how to find food in the forest, things to help heal. They are the ones that would make sure that I had clothes. Although most of them didn't have much either."

"They will not be hurt, then." Jesse assures her. He holds his hand out. "Come with us, Little one and we will give you a new home and make sure that you are cared for and protected."

"Tesora, please accept." Desanto tells the girl. She looks at Desanto then to Jesse.

"It means treasure. That is my brother Desanto. The one that called you princessa is my brother Carlo." Jesse tells the girl that is now clinging to his hand.

"Corazon," the third of Jesse's brothers says nodding to her.

The girl looks up to Jesse for an explanation, "That is Santo, he and Desanto are twins. My parents weren't expecting twins and so only had one name ready. So they changed the name slightly so both children would have a name. My parents weren't very imaginative as you can tell." The girl can also tell that Jesse didn't have a lot of respect for his parents. "Corazon means heart but used that way it means sweetheart."

Jesse stands up and the girl looks at him with trust, but more than a little wariness. "How do you know all the information about the treaty?" The girl stumbles over the unknown word and didn't even try the other word he called it.

Jesse scowls a bit before seeing her fear and sighs once more. "Because we are the monsters you were told to wait for." Then Jesse and the brothers show her their fangs.

The girl drops her head, "What are you going to do with me?"

"You were given to us, you are our treasure." Jesse says lifting her chin up with his free hand. He is rather amazed that the girl doesn't try to pull away now that she knows they are the monsters she was given to.

"Look at me, Little one, we claim you which will put you under our protection. But in order to do that we must bite you and set the claim or the other monsters will try to take you from us. When we bite you, we will also take some of your blood. Are you willing?"

The girl scoffs, "So you are going to kill me. Just, please make it quick."

"No, princessa, we will only take a swallow or two of your blood. That will make it possible for us to find you no matter what. It won't be enough to harm you in any way." Carlo says to reassure her.

"And the bites, won't they hurt?" The girl asks almost in tears once more. She really doesn't want to die.

"Our bites hurt only as much as we wish them to." Desanto tells the girl then shuts up at Jesse's look.

Jesse kneels at her side once more. "We will make sure that the bites won't hurt. But without them the other monsters will try to take you from us and you will either be hurt or killed. The choice is yours." Jesse has no idea where this compassion for the girl comes from. In his over eight hundred years he's never given a shit about anyone other than his brothers. Now this little human girl has him and his brothers wrapped around her little finger.

"Where will you bite me?" The girl's voice is so soft that Jesse almost missed it. He takes his finger and moves the girls rag top to the side. "I'll bite here and that's where my mark will be. Carlo will bite here," Jesse moves to the other side of the girl's neck. "Desanto and Santo will each mark your arms." Jesse shows her where on her arms she'll be marked.

The girl looks long and hard at Jesse. He's starting to get nervous, it is getting late, they will need to leave very soon to make it back in time.

"Okay," the girl finally says giving one quick nod and holding out her arms. None of them hesitate. Jesse bites first and has to force himself away once he tastes her blood. He watches carefully to make sure that his brothers don't take more than they should either.

He nods satisfied as they are all able to pull away. "Fuck her blood tastes good." Santo says savoring the flavor of her blood even as Jesse gathers the child into his arms and they start running.

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