Chapter 15

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     You approach the door and hear sobbing on the other side. "N-NO! C-Candy p-please!" Ben's voice whimpers. "I-It hurts..." You hear his voice, softer now, fade into sobs. You hear a muffled scream followed by the sound of tearing fabric. You make a move to open the door but your body freezes. "N-NO! S-Stop!" You hear the panic in Ben's voice and break through your body's impulse to freeze. You shove the door open and see a bright white room. In the center is a figure, just standing. 

     You cautiously approach the figure and when you realize it's Ben, you rush over to see if he's alright. He doesn't seem to notice you and the lights in his eyes were completely gone. "Ben?" you ask in a concerned voice. His head tilts to the side and he looks at you. You take a step back as Ben grins and pulls a knife out of his pocket. You walk back towards the door and soon run into the wall. Ink-Ben walks towards you, grinning wildly, leaving a trail of black mist behind him. You back further down the wall and Ben approaches you quicker and quicker still until he grabs you by the throat and forces you into the wall. Your eyes widen and you try to scream but he is cutting off all air supply. He raises the knife with the other hand and you thrash out, kicking him in the stomach. He drops his knife and backs away in pain You grab the knife and slash at his arm. The knife goes right through him and comes away clean. You look at the Ink Demon in front of you and stab its head. Nothing happens except the demon gets madder.  

      You stab in it's chest area and your knife thunks into something. The demon looks at you and shifts into a big black creature before exploding, leaving ink everywhere. You hear a familiar scream from the next room beyond and run over to it, not hesitating to open the door this time. What you see is horror beyond what you had imagined. The real Ben is lying on his side near the back wall of the room. His clothes are torn and he is covered in bruises. You slowly walk over to him with tears in your eyes. "B-Ben?" you ask. He looks up at you and his face is covered in bloody tears and the light in his eyes was gone. "P-Please no," he says in a hoarse voice. You get a bit closer and see the collar around his neck, chained to the wall. "C-candy... p-please," Ben says in a more desperate tone. You crouch next to him, "Ben, it's me" you say with tears in your eyes. "(Y/n)? I-" Ben's words are cut off by a choking sob. "I'm going to get you out of here," you say with determination. You fumble with the collar on Ben and find the lock. You un-hook the chain and try to help Ben up. He slumps against the wall and you hold him up. When you turn around you see a familiar figure in the doorway.

     Candy Pop stands there, leaning against the doorframe. "I see you have found my favorite toy..." he says with a chuckle. You stiffen and Ben slumps further down the wall, sobbing. "No!" you protest, "Ben isn't a toy. He shouldn't even be here." "That's a bold statement seeing as you were the one who willingly handed him over," smirks Candy. You stand in silence, holding Ben up. "I'm feeling generous today," says Candy with a mock sincere smile, "Why don't we make a deal?" You analyze the situation and decide that you can't escape with out him getting away from the door first. "What is it..." you ask quietly. "How about I get a week with Ben and you get a week with Ben!" he says excitedly, "Sounds fair, right?" You think about it and nod your head yes. "Perfect, now-" you hear a loud bang and Candy's mouth overflows with blood. 

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