Chapter 5: A satisfactory answer

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Hey readers, so  I am dedicating this cahpter to adhyakumarijha, thank you so much for reading and comenting :D 

Adhya Naik-

8 months later:

“Mom, how much sugar is to be put in tea?” I asked mom with innocent eyes. This was my practise week. I woke up early, before mom and made breakfast. This was something I did like almost never. But, since Karan was homely kind of a guy, I thought why not?

“Adhya for the last time, 2: 2: 1 is the measure, 2 table-spoon sugar, 2 table spoon tea-powder for  1 cup of tea.” mom yelled from the table. ‘Geez am I ever going to understand this?’ I thought to myself. Aarav walked down with sleepy eyes.

“Kid is making tea? Careful aunt, she might burn the kitchen.” he asked and made faces. I just stuck my tongue out to him and continued.

“Its insured, Aarav” dad chided and they all burst into laughter. I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit myself.

 This was every day morning story, seeing me in the kitchen, making fun of it and laughing over it that whole day. My phone went off and avoiding all this torture, I grabbed it from the couch. It was Karan. It had been like 8 months now we settled for each other. He hasn’t proposed yet, but I know he will.

“Hello sweet pea, good morning” he said.

“Hey, good morning” I chirped.

“Tonight, there’s a party, care to join me? As a couple?” he asked and I squealed in excitement, by which I am g “I got to be somewhere. I’ll see you?” he said.

“Umm, what should I wear?” “Something black” we both said in unison and chuckled to it. He then bombarded me with kisses and we hung. I know, short conversation, but worth a while.


Evening arrived within no time. I just picked out a comfortable dress. It was black, sleeveless and ended exactly 2 inches below my knee; there was a pretty black and silver flower in the middle of the dress and a sort of tying band behind. A cute silver-black jacket came with it that covered my arms and for the legs, black flats that went absolutely well with the dress. One last look into the mirror and I knew Karan would fall for me all over again. I looked up at the clock; it was 6:45 p.m. I thought to call Radha up just because.

“Hey this is Dr. Radha VK; I am busy right now or in the middle of a delivery, make sure you leave a message, buh-bye.” That was her answering machine. ‘She must be busy, great timing Rad’s’ I thought. The next instance, my phone went off. Karan’s face was flashing over it.

“Hey, ready?” he asked.

“Yeah, don’t keep me waiting though” I said.

“I am right down, missy” he said and my eyes widened. In trying to call Radha, I didn’t keep a track of time. It was 7:30 p.m.

“Oh I am coming right down” I said and hung. I started towards the stairs and the house was filled with the sound of my foot-tapping. I looked down to find Aarav playing some racing game on his phone and dad and Karan trying to encourage him.

“Dad, what in god’s name are you guys doing?” I spoke out of frustration. My gaze just once turned to Karan, who looked like he was smitten upon. I just chuckled to the sight and rolled my eyes at Aarav for teasing me.

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