Chapter 1 Present lives

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She speaks   (Adhya Naik)

Tossing and turning on bed as it made a weird creaking sound. That was me. I couldn’t sleep the whole night. I looked up at the nightstand clock. It was 4 a.m. in the morning, or should I say night? Not even a drop of sleep had splashed upon my eyes. Mom found this ‘Guy’ for me. I am 24, it can wait. I haven’t really said anything to her yet because she hasn’t really spoken to me directly, yet. I know it’s called eavesdropping, But I couldn’t help when I heard my name. She was talking to her friend on the phone. Tomorrow is what I officially call ‘The dooms day’ for me. I want to do something first, something that I love, like writing. Boy, I love scribbling my thoughts and I bet you I was good at it. I just hope she gets over the thought for now or hope the guy can wait.

 “Wake up, silly girl” My mom shook me holding my arm. I could feel her cold hands on my warm, wrapped-up-with-sheet arm.

“Wake up, don’t you have office to rush to? Come on, sit up already” She said again as she went towards the window and undid the window curtains.

“Adhya Naik, don’t be a baby. You have a job now. Don’t you think you should be more responsible and help me in some domestic work in the morning?” she added and I shot up in bed and sat up. She hardly took my full name and when she did, it was bad.

“Ma, please. Stop lecturing” I mumbled. She gave me a look with hands on her hips.

“Look I have to talk to you about something important” with the sentence my face tensed up. She continued “I have spoken to Amita aunty. She likes you for her younger son and I genuinely feel you two look perfect together.” I looked up at her in confusion. ‘When did she see me with him?’

“Ma, I haven’t even met him yet. How do you know we look good together?” I shot her a question with my brows up.

“Well you know. I have his photo, I have your photo. So I put them together and TADA!!!” she said and smiled widely. I on the other hand gave her a disgusted look. She sighed and continued.

“Look Beta, I think you should give it a chance. I am not going to force you into it” she said and the tension on my face somewhat eased. I wonder how dad hadn’t reacted to this yet.

I quickly got ready and left for office. I worked in a bank. I didn’t love what I did, but I was enthused about meeting new people every day and some old customers felt like family, so it made me feel as though I was doing this earth a big of a deal. I was heading to office on my 2 wheeler and soon I found myself in office parking lot. I headed towards my counter as soon as I entered in, all ‘hi’s’ and ‘how are you’s’ started popping out. I then sat on my chair and heaved a sigh. I was mentally tired of all this, of mom fixing spouse for me and meeting the guy. ‘Why did I have to do this? I don’t really want to meet the guy.’ Geez, my head started throbbing by all the thought. My phone vibrates. It’s my long time best friend, Radha.

“Hey” I said.

“Were you thinking about me?” she asked.

“Well sure I was about to call you” I chuckled. I wonder how she came to know but she did. She was a MBBS grad and probably working to get into her PG-, gynaecology. It’s weird right, a banker and a doctor together as best friends? Haven’t missed a thing about each other, too bad though, not everyone has a best friend who is your family friend and who is a doctor.

“Yeah, let’s talk? Do you have time?” I asked her.

“Uh!  yeah. That is why I called you” she said with a duh-uh tone. I told her about everything that happened. She was my chaddi- buddy. We almost grew up together. The slightest of my mood swings caught her eye within no time.

“So that is what bothers you. Hmmm, let me see what I can do to help” she said.

“Yeah, I will need you there whenever I meet him” I told her. In minutes our conversation ended and I got to work. I had left over work from last week.  

When I worked, I couldn’t keep a track of time. I kept switching to facebook now and then. It acted as my break. In lunch break instead of eating I ended up calling home or Radha to enquire what the lunch they had was. In this, I just grabbed a cup of coffee and got back to work.

I left office at exact 4-55 p.m. with one of my co worker, Avedh Upadhya. He was a senior to me at work and was my dad’s friend’s son. We made great buddies; he opened up to me a lot more than any other girl. I even tried setting him up with some girls but hard luck, he couldn’t keep it going.

“What’s going on between you and Reeya? She told me you walked away?” I asked as we were in parking lot.

“Ya it didn’t go well between us. So I just walked away. Anyway, I’ll see you around Adi?” 

“Sure Avi” I waved a bye and then we parted our ways.

I reached home and crashed upon the couch.

“Coffee Ma” I yelled but until mom came out I had already dozed off on the very couch.

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