6: the demon vs. The bull, Adam's revenge.

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After the fight with team CRDL, Toad decided to head to Vale for a shopping trip. As he was buying some stuff, he noticed the white fang attacking civilians almost killing them but was stopped when Toad intervened. He was face to face with none other than Adam Taurus. But unknown to him, his ex girlfriend is stalking him.

Tomoko: kill him Toad. Show him your true power my love. *giggles like a true yandere*

(Time for a Jojo reference.)

Adam: oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right at me?
Toad: I can't beat the shit out of you if I'm far away.

The two attacked each other with no mercy.

(Now it's time for a highschool dxd reference.)

Adam: I must admit, you're pretty strong. But it's not enough to defeat me. After I kill you, Blake will be mine again.
Toad: Blake doesn't belong to you! The fact that you're forcing her to be with you, when she obviously hates you!
Adam: you can't do this! This arrangement is important to all faunus!
Toad: didn't you hear me?! I don't care about stuff like that! She's allowed to be with whoever she wants! So I'm ending this here and now!

Toad's appearance has become more demonic.

He attacked Adam relentlessly making Adam cough up blood

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He attacked Adam relentlessly making Adam cough up blood.

Adam: why can't I use my semblance? I can't lose like this. Not when I'm so close to having Blake by my side.
Toad: *demonic voice* I told you already. Blake hates you. She has me as a lover. So she won't care if I kill you, in fact, she will be extremely grateful. So much so that she may want to mate with me during her heat cycle.
Adam: no! This can't be happening! I was so close!
Toad: *demonic voice* your end has come Adam. Time to die.

He ruthlessly ripped Adam limb from limb. He turned back to normal.

Toad: that should do it. I bet Blake will be glad I took care of Adam permanently. Oh! I almost forgot! I have all the stuff that I needed, now to head back to the dorm.

when darkness turns to light. (cheater Female oc x male oc x Massive harem. )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant