two // losing

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'What happened to your high heels?' asked Thor.

Loki frowned at him as Fandral said, 'You're about as tall as me now!'

'Don't be stupid,' said Sif. Her hair was combed very rigidly back into a ponytail, and it looked sleek and shiny. Loki suddenly had an overpowering urge to touch it, and wondered if his would grow like that.

'You can't fight in heels,' was all Loki said.

'Exactly,' said Sif.

On the ring, Volstagg and Hogun circled each other. Even in simple sparring practice, Hogun's manner was deadly and sharp. His face was one of the upmost concentration. Loki knew that in Hogun's eyes, losing was not an option.

Volstagg thrust his spear forward, Hogun parried with his flail effortlessly. He took a step back. Volstagg must have seen his opportunity, because he jabbed again. Hogun staggered back into a corner, and Loki caught Volstagg's triumphant smile.

'Bets?' said Fandral. 'I say Volstagg.'

'Volstagg,' agreed Sif.

They looked at Loki.

'I don't gamble,' he said, pretending not to notice Sif's eye roll.

'Of course you don't,' said Fandral, sighing. 'Thor? Bets?'

'Hogun,' said Thor.

They stared at him. Then Fandral laughed.

'How much?' he said.


'Don't be a coward.'

'Bet ten,' said Loki.

'Ten, then,' said Thor.

They turned back to the ring, where Hogun was furiously defending against Volstagg's blows, his back to the corner. There was no sign of distress on his face. If anything, he looked pleased.

Loki glanced at Thor. He looked pleased, too.

In a second, it was all over. Hogun swept to the side, his flail brandished, and Volstagg staggered. Hogun grabbed Volstagg's arms, twisting, dodged Volstagg's jab and kicked his stomach, and now it was Volstagg in the corner, Volstagg cornered. Volstagg attempted a jab, Hogun parried and his spear went flying.

Panting, the two stared at each other. Then Volstagg raised his hands. Yield.

Fandral groaned, Sif put her head in her hands. Thor jumped upwards, his big arms swinging in the air.

'Yes! Hogun, my man!'

He ran into the ring and made a huge show of hugging him and patting him on the back, to which Hogun very nearly smiled. Loki wondered how his brother had seen it. His dim-witted brother, who could barely read a book if it didn't have pictures.

'Oh, please,' said Sif. She turned to Volstagg, who sat down with a crash, mopping his soaking brow and panting. 'You lost us ten units.'

He shrugged. 'Shouldn't've bet on me. Why did you even bet on me?'

No sadness, no wounded pride. He'd expected to lose. Accepted his fate before it was written. Didn't care that he'd lost, because he was happy with losing. He even congratulated Hogun as they took their seats.

Volstagg was a loser, and he would always be a loser. Loki hated him for his weakness, his incapability. He would not be like Volstagg. He knew, at that moment, that he would rather die.

'That's five,' said Fandral, counting out the coins. 'And you, Lady Sif.'

Loki watched her count out five coins, the annoyance on her face unmissable.

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