I walked sneakily behind him and when I was already behind his back, I came closely to his ear and whispered, "Boo." With only just a word, the man jumped in a fright and screamed high-pitch like a little girl.

I laughed hysterically at the man who was hanging on the lamp post like a cat and gave me a death glare. I heard Gon asked why Leorio was hanging on the lamp post while Kurapika was chuckling. There was also a silent laughter at the alley beside me.

"That wasn't funny!" he cried at me but I was still laughing."Oh, yes it was," I said and chuckled at him before I told him to come down. The man reluctantly followed my orders and landed safely on the ground. Walking to the man in the suit, I slung my arms around the man's shoulder although he was taller than me. He tensed and shook like a leaf.

"Woah, Leorio. I don't know that you were that scared. Calm down, man," I said and let go of him. I then walked with Emi, who was laughing harder at the prank, on my shoulder.

Leorio was muttering some inappropriate words at me but I ignored that as I was then walking beside Gon. "Anyways, Gon's right though. There are a lot of people here," I agreed.

"How do you know all these things?" Leorio cried and shook his head side to side frantically. Kurapika looked behind his shoulder to gaze at the frighten man. "Don't you hear the sound of breathing from everywhere?" he asked. "Yeah. And the sound of the cloth scrapping too. They're trying to hide!" Gon added. A faint breathing was heard beside me and I heard a faint shuffle from the other side, making me look at the walls from the corner of my eyes.

Leorio tried to use his ears to hear but to no avail. "Unfortunately, I'm just a normal guy," he said. After a few minutes, they then showed themselves. The old lady was standing in front of us with some people in weird disguises, covering the direction of the tree.

"Very interesting," she spoke before the woman made a mad yell, "The Exciting Quiz of Two answers!" Kurapika, Leorio and I sweat dropped while Gon was just staring at them in confusion.

"You're heading for the tree on the mountain, aren't you?" She asked, pointing at the tree on the hill. "First, you have to succeed in getting out of this town. The other paths that could lead you there are like labyrinths, in which reign teribbly bloodthirsty monsters...," and until that, I trailed off.

I did not realize that the man who was eavesdropping Gon's conversation was here already but I did not care anyways. As I said before, he was going to end up in the wrong direction.

So, the old woman asked him a question and he answered. The old lady discussed with the people in weird disguises behind her for a while before she told him that he could pass through. He bid us an adieu before he went ahead, possibly setting traps for us to pass through. 'Heh, what a fool. She didn't even say that it was correct.' I mentally scoffed.

Leorio argued with the elder and was about to leave when she said that he will be disqualified if he left and told him that he did not have the soul of a hunter which made the Kurata boy clicked.

"Leorio!" he called but the old lady stopped him, realising that one out of four of us knew the answer. "I don't want to hear anything else!" the woman ordered. "From now on, any useless words will be punish by disqualification! Well, answer: 1. If you accept the quiz or 2. If you refuse," she said. Of course Kurapika said 1.

"Wait!" I said, making everybody turned to face me. "I'll take the next question," I told them. The elder woman eyed at me for a few seconds before nodded her head and asked, "Your son and your daughter have been kidnapped, and you can only save one. Which one do you choose: 1. The daughter or 2. The son?"

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I closed my eyes and let the silence answered the question. The old lady counted from three.


I heard Leorio was raising the bat up and down.


I opened my eyes slowly..


Nobody spoke.


Leorio leaped into the air and was about to hit the lady when Kurapika stopped him by using his own weapon. The suited man yelled at the boy and the Kurata boy cried, "We won, and you want to mess everything up with your staff?"

Kurapika then explained that the answer was silence and Leorio shouted why did that guy pass if he did not answer the correct answer.

"She didn't said that it was correct, she only said that he could pass," I answered. "He's right. I heard him shouting a while ago," Kurapika spoke and I, once again, trailed off.

They opened the passage beside us and Leorio apologized to the old lady. "No," a voice muttered behind me and I looked to find Gon still thinking about it. "I still don't understand," he said which made the three of us chuckled at him.

"That's okay. You can stop wondering," Leorio told him. Walking ahead of the group, I then thought about what Gon was talking about. 'If I can only save one, then I would rather sacrifice myself for them. As long as they are safe!' I thought.

Actions speaks louder than words - Kei Kimiko.


Kya!!! I can't help it, my brain is hurting me right now!!

Chapter 4 √ (Finally Edited)


That's Shana as Kimiko in her Black Out Mode but her eyes are black.

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