What the Cab?

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Sherlock opens the living room door and goes inside, where he finds D.I. Lestrade sitting casually in the armchair facing the door. Other police officers are going through Sherlock's possessions.

Sherlock storms over to Lestrade. "What are you doing?"

"Well, Anna texted me telling me you have the case. And I figured you'd find it I'm not stupid." said Lestrade.

Sherlock turns to the entrance as did John looking at Anna. "You told him I had the suitcase." Sherlock says disappointedly.

Anna sighs, "You were holding evidence, I was only doing my job."

"Oh you were 'doing your job', that's always a relevant excuse." Sherlock yells sarcastically.

"Oh and keeping evidence from police officials is a relevant excuse as well." She argued.

"Alright cut it out the both of ya." Lestrade yells.

Sherlock and Anna turns opposite towards each other with their arms crossed. Sherlock then turns to Lestrade, "You can't just break into my flat."

"And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat." He stated.

Anna then looks at Lestrade questionably, "Then what is all of this?"

Lestrade looks round at his officers before looking back to Anna innocently "A drugs bust." He answered.

"A what?" Anna says amazed then looks at Sherlock.

"Seriously?! This guy, a junkie?! Have you met him?!" John says.

Sherlock turns and walks closer to John, biting his lip nervously. Anna continues to watch him wondering about his strange behavior.

"John ..." Sherlock tries to get John to stop talking.

" Sherlock he's not being serious is he?" Anna asks him. Sherlock however ignores Anna's question and continues looking around.

John however, is still talking to Lestrade, "I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational."

Sherlock then gets into John's face and says, "John, you probably want to shut up now."

"Yeah, but come on ..." He looks into Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock holds his gaze for a long moment and John realises how serious he's looking. "No."

"What?" Sherlock starts off then looks between John and Anna.

" Sherlock do you use drugs?" Anna asks very softly.

"Shut up!" Sherlock says very angrily. The then turns to Lestrade, "I'm not your sniffer dog."

"No, Anderson's my sniffer dog." He nods towards the kitchen.

Sherlock, Anna, and John look towards the direction of the kitchen. The closed doors to the kitchen slide open and reveal several more officers in there searching through the room. Anderson turns towards the living room and raises his hand in sarcastic greeting.

"Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?" Sherlock said angrily.

"Oh, I volunteered." Anderson says venomously. Sherlock turns away, biting his lip angrily.

Anna had her hands on her hips then looks at Lestrade. Lestrade then says, "They all did. They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're very keen."

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