Cupcakes (Connor McDonough) for Caitlin

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Caitlin's POV

Connor and I decided to bake cupcakes for his grandmother's birthday. I'm currently preparing the ingredients while waiting for Connor to show up. He is at a recording and a photo shoot right after.

I measured the ingredients then preheat the oven. After a few minutes, I started mixing the dry ingredients together first and then the liquid ingredients follow suit.

Connor hasn't arrive yet. I guess, the photo shoot took longer than expected.

I placed the first batch of cupcakes inside the oven, and still Connor isn't around. I then started making the second batch. Ten minutes pass, a tall figure entered the kitchen. His blue eyes sparkles as I look at him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." He immediately said as he made his way towards me. He wrap his arms around from behind and kissed my forehead.

"It's fine, I understand." I said and turned to face him. "We still have to make more cupcakes. The first batch is in the oven already. I'm making the second batch right now. Wanna help out?" I asked him as I turn back to face the counter.

"Of course. I'll get change for awhile." He said and released me from his arms. He ran to his room to get change.

This is his house, by the way. Well, he shares it with his two little brothers, Riley and Toby. I'm always welcome in this house.

"I'm back." The familiar voice said.

"You were quick. Too excited to see me?" I joked.

"Maybe. Maybe not." He said with a cheeky grin.

"Such a tease." I whispered to myself. Hoping he wouldn't here me.

"I heard that." He said. I just ignored his comment and continued mixing the batter. "I had to be quick, my love. We have to bake cupcakes before Grandma's birthday tonight." He added.

"Okay, let's get started then." I stated. Just as I was about to scoop the batter into the cupcake tray, the timer sound off, signaling that the cupcakes is done.

I made my way to the oven and grab the kitchen towel hanging along the oven's handle. I then open the oven. I was hit with the sweet and savory smell of cupcakes.

'Chocolate.' I said in a mere whisper.

I grab the two trays out of the oven and placed it on the counter. I carefully got the cupcake out the tray and placed it on the table. I let cool off for awhile while I make the icing.

It's not really hard to make an icing and doesn't take too much time as well. After making the icing, I placed it inside the icing bag, ready to ice the cupcakes.

It took me awhile before I finished icing all 32 cupcakes. Once all the cupcakes is iced, I placed it inside the box, designated for cupcakes.

While I was busy icing the cupcakes and placing it inside the box, Connor was making the batter for the second batch.

I took over the mixing and let him prepare the trays for the cupcakes. Once done with the mixing, I grab the tray and started scooping the batter into the tray. Connor was just watching.

I was done with one tray and ready to place it inside the oven. Once I have placed the tray inside the oven, I started scooping the remaining batter.

I was about to place the tray inside the oven when Connor hit me with a handful of flour unto my face.

"What was that for?" I said shocked. I then closed the oven once the tray was inside.

I turned to look at Connor but he was busy with cleaning the counter top.

"Okay." I said. The sack of flour was just beside me, I decided to get a handful and placed it on his hair for revenge, and then ran to the other side of the counter.

"Revenge?" He asked glaring at me. I smirked while he tries to get the flour off his hair.

It was hard to get rid of the flour without washing his hair with water. He grab  a handful of flour and threw it on my direction. I was glad I was fast enough to dodge it.

"Miss me." I said sticking my tongue out.

"Not this time." he uttered while grabbing another handful of flour then throwing it directly to me. This time he hit me.

After being hit by the flour, I fight back. We didn't stop until the timer rang. The second batch were already done. I immediately grab the kitchen towel and hurried to the oven to get the cupcakes.

"It's all done. We have to make the last batch now." I declared.

"Not until I get a kiss from you." he declared. I just stuck my tongue out and iced the cupcakes. We were both quiet as he mixed the batter and I ice and placed the cupcakes into the boxes.

I was about to place the last cupcake into the box, when I muscular arm warp it's arms around me. He tighten his grip and placed a kiss on my hair. The kiss didn't stop there, he continued to kiss me until he reached my neck.

I'm really ticklish around my neck, that's why I giggled, as I try to escape from his grip. "Give me that kiss." he said.

"Make the batter first." I demanded him.

"Kiss me first." he said trying to kiss my neck again. But he failed, I pushed him away and ran, then again, to the other side of the kitchen counter. "Caitlin! Please. Just one kiss." he pleaded.

"No!" I shouted not wanting to give him the kiss he asked for. He pouted but I ignored him.

He didn't move from where he was standing, so I decided to scoop the batter into the cupcake tray.

I was too focused with the scooping that I didn't notice him approaching.

"Get your arms off me, Con." I said.

"Not a chance, Cait." he said. "Not until you give that kiss."

He tighten his grip around me. There's no escape now. Well, not until I give him that kiss he wants.

I sighed. "Fine." I finally gave in.

"Yes." he said and then released me from his grip. He made me turn around. He's now staring at me right into the eyes. I honestly was lost in his blue orbs.

We both lean in until our lips touched. It was not a short or even a long kiss. I guess it took 20 seconds before we pulled away.

"Thank you." he said and completely release me from his grip. He walked away from me. He went over to the oven and got the cupcakes out. I continued scooping the batter and putting it on the cupcake tray. He then started icing the cupcakes.

I didn't bother him, so I placed the two trays into the oven and set the timer. I walked over to Connor to help him with the cupcakes.

"Babe, for you." he said as I stand beside him. He gave me three cupcakes with icing on it. On each cupcake there is a letter or a symbol. The first one had a letter 'I' on it, then the next has a heart, then the last one has a letter 'U' on it.

"I LOVE YOU." he said as I hugged him so tight.



[Author's note:  Hey there, sorry it took me forever before I could post the one shot. But it's here already. I hope it's worth the wait. @Starbuko17, I hope you like it. Let me know when you like it or not. Love K]

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