Miss New Girl (Riley McDonough) for Klark

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For Klark (@crazymcdonoughgurl)

Miss New Girl (Riley McDonough)

Klark’s POV

Going to different school every year sucks. Now I’m entering this new school and I have to cope up with everything that this school has.

“Hey, new kid!” someone called from behind me. I turned to where the voice is from and found a boy a few inches taller than me. “You should join this if you want to fit in.” he handed me, what looks like a flyer, and then he went off.

I looked at the guy disappear into the crowd of people with confusion. What the hell? I look at the flyer on my hand and found out it was a flyer for the school’s talent show next month.

The audition is tonight. You must prepare a two minute presentation of your talent.

Did that guy know that I could sing and play guitar?

No, he doesn’t. Then why did he give me this? Maybe he was just concern of me not fitting in or concerned about new kids not fitting in with the school population.

I guess I have to do what he wanted me to do then.

I went to class. I didn’t really pay much attention to what the teacher has to say about the subjects. I didn’t even have to elaborate the small details of my existence. My head was so preoccupied of what song I will perform later and whether I should play the guitar or just sing a cappela instead.

It’s already lunch and I haven’t decided whether I should play the guitar or sing a cappela, although, I have a song already on mind. I know the chords of the song but I don’t have my guitar with me.

Maybe I’ll go home for awhile and get my guitar. The audition doesn’t start at 7pm. After lunch I realized that my class later doesn’t end before 6. It ends at 6:30 and I have no time to go home and get back here on time for the audition. My only choice is to sing a cappela. If I get through this audition, I’ll play the guitar on the actual show next month.

The afternoon just went by in a blur. I looked at my wrist watch and found out that its quarter to seven already. I need to get to the gym right now in order for me to catch up.

The audition went by so fast that it was finally my turn to perform my own talent. I sang Say Something by A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera.

The judges liked my performance and I passed the audition. I have about three weeks to rehears my final song.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~3 weeks later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Three weeks has passed, school was fine and I have rehearsed my song once a day. I didn’t feel like playing the guitar because the song is perfect without the guitar. I’ll just have a minus-one of the song placing on the background as I sing the song.

Tonight is the night I’ll be performing. They have three special guests to witness and judge the talent show. I was really nervous when I found out that they were in a famous band, which means they are high standard persons.

The time went by fast, now it was time for every contestant to prepare themselves for the performances. I was getting ready myself back stage. I had my favorite blue dress that is floor length with my nude stilettos. I was the tenth person to perform in awhile.

Nine performances later, it was finally my turn. I went on stage with the microphone on hand, getting nervous as I got close to center stage. The back ground music started playing.

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days

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