Model (Riley McDonough)

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Andy's POV

It's been months since I last booked a modelling gig and I'm losing hope.  I've been to countless of auditions and not a single one called me for a call back. I started to second guess myself that I'm not worthy enough to get book nor I was pretty enough or even have the right body for it.

Right now I'm on my way to audition for a music video shoot, something that is new to me.  I have seen a lot of music video models turn into top models because of the exposure they get from the video. That kind of thing was not on my list because I've been aiming to get magazine bookings, fashions shows and all those sorts. But I guess this is the time to get out of my comfort zone.

This music video I'm auditioning for is for three brothers from Orlando.  They say, they have been in the music industry for so long but never got the fame like most bands get.

It might not be much for them, but we never know, this might be their time.

Once I got there, I saw a lot of girls lining up for the same role as I am! This is not good! As I was about to get in line, I heard someone yell my name, "Andrea Barber!"

I raised the portfolio I was holding so they know I heard them and that I'm on my way to the front of the line. As I made my way in front, I heard girls murmuring about that fact that I just got here and that I got called right away.

It pays to have submitted my audition form earlier.

"Hello Ms. Barber." the person who called my name says.

"Andy, just call me Andy." I uttered.

"Ms. Andy." she repeated. "The boys are ready to meet you."

"What piece should I do?" I asked so that I could be prepared for this.

"You don't have to say do anything. They will just talk to you and see if you fit what they are looking for." she said as she lead me to the other side of the room.

I was lead to a  white wall room and in front of me are three different looking boys.

"Hi. I'm Andy."

"Hello, Andy. I'm Connor and these are my brothers, Toby," he pointed to the person on his right, "and Riley." He referred to the person on his left. I looked at the guy named Riley and just started at him.

I cannot believe I have not heard about them! They look like big stars, especially this Riley guy.

I was hella nervous because I don't know what to do in front of them. They didn't give me any script or lines to practice. So what I'm gonna do here?

"So, Andy, what made you audition for this role?" The guy who first introduced us earlier spoke, I believe his name is Connor.

"Do I have to be really honest or create a believable situation that might land me this gig?" I blunted out without even thinking because I'm just trying to lighten my mood.

I looked at each one of them and they have a poker face plastered on their faces. And in a second, the guy on the right grinned. I believe is he Toby. Since I know who Riley is now, at this point. He let out a small giggle that resulted to Connor and Riley to smile at me.

"Well, if you look at it that way, can we hear both of your answers then." Riley said, with a huge smile plastered on his face right now.

"So, let's start with the believable situation." I said. I didn't even bother to think and just spoke what my mouth has to offer. "I'm a huge fan of yours and when I saw you guys are looking for a model to be in your music video, I believe that is a sign from the heavens above that I should take it. Maybe this will be the time that I could finally see them up close and personal." By the time I finished my speech, I noticed that the were about to break into a huge laughing fit.

"That is your believable situation?" Riley asked while laughing. "That is so not believable in my perspective. Don't you think, guys?" He turned to Connor and Toby, waiting for them to agree with him.

"Not to be mean or anything, we most likely won't pick you because of that." Connor remarked once he has gathered his composure.

"Yeah, it would be too much to handle." Toby added. "We love our fans, don't get us wrong. But working with them in a little more serious thing, would be hard. Fangirl here, fangirl there. A one day shoot won't be possible with that."

I stood there confused and shocked. I didn't expect them to find my believable situation not believable.

"Maybe we hear your true reason then?" Riley then spoke.

I took a really deep breath and shared my honest reason for being here. I started about how I've been not getting the most bookings for any gigs lately and that I just decided to a whim that I will try to venture out of my usual modelling gig. "So, I stumbled upon this ad and just went with it with no expectations. Nothing won't hurt me if I won't give it a try, right?" I ended.

"That is unexpected." Riley remarked. "You're the perfect one for this role!" He added without even getting any confirmation from his brothers.

I looked at Connor and then to Toby, waiting for them to say anything. They were as taken a back as I am with Riley's statement.  They both looked at each other then at me and then back to each other.

Then Connor looked back at me and said, "Riley's right, you are the perfect person for this music video, with a few more girls, of course."

"Yeah, I forgot about that." Riley said with a grin as he looked at Connor and Toby. His brothers looking at him mischievously.

"Thank you for your time. You can proceed to the next station for the briefing of the schedules of shoot." Toby said.

"Thank you so much." I said as I approach each one of them to give them a hand shake because that is the least I could give them for giving me this opportunity. They don't know how much this means so much for me and my career. "Thank you, once again."

As I was assists to the briefing station, someone walked with us towards it. I looked at the person and found Riley beside me. He motioned for the person assisting me to leave us be.

"Hi." I shyly said.

"Hey. I need to talk to you for a moment." He stated.

"Oh. Okay." I said in hesitation. I don't know what he wants to talk about.

"Um. Well, I just want to say that you are really beautiful and very different, in a good way." Riley said as he fidget with his fingers. He looked nervous, as if this is something he never do on a day to day basis. "I was just wondering, once this video shoot is over, would you go get some coffee with me." He said as he looked at me straight in the eye for a moment and quickly looked back.

I was taken a back by this sudden invitation, but I patted his shoulder to reassure him that he should not be ashamed and said, "That would be amazing."

"Great!" He looked me straight into the eyes again, now his eyes in filled with so much happiness. "I'll see you then." He said and looked back at the panel where his brothers sat waiting for him to return. "Anyway, I gotta get back in there and finish this audition."

I just nod and smiled as him as he slowly walked back to the table. I noticed he did a thumbs up towards his brothers and I just shook my head and grinned.

"He is so adorable." I said to myself.

Hello! That was such a fun one to write! I'm getting so rusty with writing but it's really so good to be back. Not for good though, just when my creative juices are around to inspire me.

Anyway, here is a short story that has been sitting on my drafts for far too long. So I decided to continue it, leaving you on a cliff hanger. I want to continue with this one but it might be too long now. Maybe a part 2 would be in writing. Let me know.

Thank you for reading!  See you around

- K 💕

first drafted: May 22, 2019
published: April 6, 2020

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