Best Monday of My Life (Toby McDonough) for Sara

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Best Monday of My Life (Toby McDonough)

For Sara (@SarabethOnedirection)

Sara’s POV

I just hate Mondays. I hate waking up early, it just not my thing. I love to stay on my bed while blasting music really loud inside my room. But right now, I can’t do that. I need to head to school or else I’m dead.

I was now done getting ready for school. I grab an apple from the counter and head out the house without saying a goodbye to my dad, if he even cares. Fastening my helmet on, I got board my skateboard to school. My school isn’t that far, so basically I just use my skateboard to get to school or even just walk going there.

“Hey there Sara!” an all too familiar British accent greeted me. It was my best friend, William. I just got to school.

“Hey Will.” I said.

“Guess what?”

“What?” I asked as I placed my board inside my locker and unfastening my helmet then placing it inside the locker. I grabbed my books for 1st and 2nd class before closing it.

“Haven’t you heard?” he said as we head to our 1st class.

“Heard what?” I said. “Straight to the point, Will!”

“This guy had tweeted something last night.” He started. I gave him a confused look and then he continued. “He said he fancies someone in his class. Everyone is buzzing about it. He’s fans are going crazy and our classmates won’t stop bugging him after his confession. Can you believe it?” he finished.

I shrugged my shoulder and enter our room. Everyone was giving me daggers, but I didn’t mind it. I walked in the room and went straight to my seat, which is right in front. Having my backs towards the people that I sense is still giving me those daggers. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now.

William walked in the room. I thought he was right behind me when we enter the room, maybe not. I guess, he has to talk to someone. He looked at everyone before heading to his seat, which is right beside me of course.

“Look, they’re still buzzing about it.” He lean in and whispered into my ear.

“I can tell.” I said not quite interested. “Who was the guy again?”

“Toby.” He responds.

“Ok.” I simply said. I could still feel the daggers thrown at me, as our teacher enters the room.

The day went by really fast. I didn’t even notice it was already our last subject and the bell just rand, signifying the end of school for the day. I didn’t notice anything else but the daggers that were continually thrown at me. Those glares bothered me a lot. I was thought I was used to it, but clearly I wasn’t. I would never get used to those glares that everyone has been giving me the whole time. I don’t know what I did wrong to any of them to give me those. As far as I remembered, I stayed away from them every since the whole school year started. I stayed away from them, in order for me not to do wrong. I shrugged the thought away. This would be gone tomorrow.

Will and I walked to my locker, still people are doing it. I can’t help but get really annoyed. What on earth did I do to them?

“I can’t take it anymore. Why is everyone giving me those looks?” I exclaimed as I slam the locker door shut. Doing so, it gained more people to give me those looks.

“I thought you never noticed!” Will stated.

“What’s their problem? Could you please tell me?”

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