C H A P T E R - 5 5

56 15 28

Marietta P.O.V

"NO!" She shouted. Her pale white face was showing anger and her green eyes were glassy. Her features were as same as Annabella but still, there was something different.

"I'm Isabella." She said.

"Isabella?" I repeat that word with confusion.

"Why would we believe you?" Walter shouted and attacked her with the liquid hard force but I stopped him midway.

"No Walter," I said to him.

"I thought you were my masked savior but...." I broke in mid-sentence. I felt betrayed again. I trusted her more than myself, she was my savior. But.....

"How could you......" She cut me off.

"Listen carefully I'm not Annabella. I am Isabella. We are twins. She is my twin sister, unfortunately." She said with guilty eyes.

She was her...

"WHAT?" I and Walter shouted together.

She came further, grabbed my hand in her cold one. A lone tear escaped her eye and in the core of my heart, I felt as if, she was honest.

"Trust me, please...."

I looked at Walter and he was confused too. Should we trust her or not? What if she was a traitor?

"Let's just believe you for a second. Why would you do that?" I asked, looking at her confused.

She weakly smiled, "Thank you!"

"Thank me when I'll kill you. Now, spill! Why would we believe you?" Walter snapped angrily. He was not trusting her and it was clear.

She snatched a pendant from her neck and gave it to me. It was a snake pendant of black and emerald color. The zig-zag shape of the snake was hypnotizing and its color was intimidating.

"It will help you to reach your goal. I don't know what Annabella's weakness is but I know this is the key to achieve it." She said, pointing at the pendant in my hand. I knitted my brows in confusion.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"There is a Maze in the dark world behind our castle and there must be something regarding the weakness of Annabella." She continued, totally ignoring my question.

"Stop flying around the maze and answer us. Why we trust you?" Walter said.

A maze in the dark world. The maze was known as a never-ending track if you don't know the pathway out. Suddenly my worst fear appeared in front of my eyes, vanishing Walter and Masked savior.

The darkness, the never-ending track with sound, the music to stop her and block her forever by converting her into stone. Her weakness was music according to my nightmare, and it was a special instrument I had to find. The instrument which was somewhere in the dark world or maybe according to my nightmare it was inside the maze.

"Princess?" Walter's voice put me back in the present. I looked at Isabella a.k.a masked savior.

"My question is still the same, why are you helping us? You are her sister instead of helping her why are you helping us? Why are you doing this? Why are you protecting me? Why are you betraying your own sister?" I asked her angrily.

I felt what Annabella would feel when she would know that her sister was betraying her.

Because I knew how it felt.

Although she was my enemy but still... Isabella was silent for a moment. The whole environment felt silent. The wind lightly blew my hair. It was going to be Christmas in a week and the weather was getting colder and colder. I looked at Walter and he was staring at Isabella.

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