Chapter 15

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This is it y'all. I have finally completed this story! My first ever story and I'm super excited but super nervous at the same time. I really really hope everyone likes it! Thank you to my original beta Lifeart who beta'd the first 24 chapters and also NYWCgirl who beta'd the final chapter. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Mac obediently sat and let the doctor finish up the last stitches. "Thank you, doctor." Mac stated gratefully once the doctor finished. "You're welcome son and good luck to you and your friend." Mac nodded another thanks and quickly strode from the room with the rest of the Phoenix team.

Jack had already been transferred to his own private room in the intensive care wing of the hospital.

A male nurse in light blue scrubs packed medicated gauze into the infected knife wound on Jacks shoulder. Another nurse adjusted the oxygen cannula under their overwatch's nose, while a doctor scribbled on the chart at the foot of Jacks bed.

"When should he regain consciousness?" Matty questioned the middle aged doctor, who had just glanced up from his notes to acknowledge the groups arrival.

The doctor folded his arms across his chest. His name plate said Dr. Cohen. "Well, that all depends on him. Our main concern right now is the infection. The sepsis is causing his kidneys to shut down and his oxygen level is dropping. We will need to intubate him if his numbers don't improve."

The life sucking fear the young agent felt with the doctors news, was making him dizzy. He didn't even realize his legs had given out on him until Bozer's worried face was in his.

"When is the last time you had anything to eat or drink, young man?" The doctor squatted in front of him and squeezed the agents wrist. The pulse was a bit fast, but not alarmingly so.

Bozer and one of the nurses helped Mac off his knees and into the chair nearest him. "I had some water at the previous hospital. I'm not sure the last time we had any food." Mac didn't even know what day it was and he didn't really care. It seemed like such a trivial question to be asking, given the condition of his best friend right in front of him.

"Start an IV and push some fluids, he is most likely dehydrated and try to get some food into him.

"I'm fine." Mac attempted to protest, but Matty shut him down with a stern look.

"Alright, but only if I can stay here." The young agent argued.

"I don't see any harm in that." The doctor acquiesced.

Jack's oxygen numbers continued to drop so the doctor had the Phoenix team step out into the hall while they intubated him.

A nurse told them they could come back in when they had finished. Mac sat next to his partner. It was hard to see his best friend like that. Jack seemed so fragile, which was just so un-Jack.

Riley left while Bozer followed after only a minute or so later. Mac guessed it was just as hard for her to see Jack that way as well.

He noticed Matty just across from him, she gripped Jack's hand, but her expression was unreadable,

"If there is one thing I know about Jack Wyatt Dalton, it's that he doesn't know how to give up. It's just not in his DNA." Matty leaned over to whisper in Jack's ear so that only Jack could hear her. "Mac needs you. Don't you dare die on us." Their director looked at Mac then and smiled a reassuring smile. Her phone rang and interrupted the rare moment. She answered the call quietly and exited the room.

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