Chapter 12

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Blood was running all down the side of the kid's face. "Mac, let me see." Jack demanded, directing Mac's face toward him with his hand under his chin. "It's nothing, I'm fine, Jack, I just got hit with some shards of concrete."

"It doesn't look like nothin'," Jack fired back in full blown mother hen mode.

Mac wiped at the blood with the hem of his undershirt. "It's amazing one of us didn't get shot. That was too close," Mac stated, unconsciously running his eyes over his partner to check for new injuries.

"Way too close," Jack replied, eyeing the still bleeding cuts around his friend's eye.

Jack then went over to the first body to check their pockets for weapons or a phone, while Mac worked on something at the table.

He wasn't sure lying to Mac was the best idea, he just didn't want to worry him anymore than necessary. Their experiences here have taken a toll on both of them, especially Mac. Not even an hour ago, the kid had to watch as Jack was very nearly killed right in front of him and he would never forget the look of devastation on his face, it was heartbreaking. Jack took his job very seriously and, as long as he drew breath, he wouldn't stop.

He had barely registered the pain from the gunshot, when it had happened. The adrenaline from the short lived battle was beginning to wear off and the pain was picking up intensity.

He knelt beside the body of the arms dealer, the former Delta squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled to get the throbbing burn under control.

He raised up the dark olive shirt to take a quick look at the damage. The entry wound was a few inches above the knife wound and a little closer to his side. There wasn't an exit wound. There was a steady stream of blood flowing from the wound and he needed to apply pressure to slow it down. He really couldn't afford to lose much more of the vital substance.

He found a handkerchief, still in its package, inside the breast pocket of Sinclair's jacket. He took the belt from him as well. He put the folded handkerchief on top of the wound then cinched the belt as tight as he could stand. Satisfied with his patch job, he got back to searching the bodies.

Jack checked through the pockets of the dead men and came up empty. "There has got to be a phone somewhere in this hell hole," he picked up the gun and pressed the magazine release, to check the ammo, there were nine rounds left. He pulled the slide back, loading a round.

"You know, I think I might actually be glad to hear ol' Matty the Hun's voice."

"I bet she'll be glad to hear from us to. The whole team must be going crazy trying to find us," Mac stated thoughtfully.

"Then let's get the hell outta here. What do you say, brother?" Jack suggested, holding an arm protectively across his injured side.

"That's the best plan I've ever heard," Mac replied.

Jack and Mac exited the room they had been held captive in the last three days. The older agent led the way down the hall, gun drawn, just in case there were more bad guys.

He held his bandaged arm tight against his injured hip, the added pressure helping ease the deep throbbing pain that had settled there.

Mac followed closely behind, armed with a taser he made out of the picana and a flashlight. It only had enough zap for one use, but it was better than nothing.

The room right next to them had two walkies and security monitors. The agents watched the screens for a few minutes, looking for evidence of hostiles. "It doesn't look like there is anyone else here," Mac said, hopefully.

"Maybe our luck is changing for the better," Jack offered.

At the end of the hall there was another room. Jack entered first to clear the small room, then his partner joined him. "This must be where they took our stuff," Mac stated, spotting his satchel and their jackets.

"No phones, but on the bright side, I found your knife," Jack said with a tired smile.

After he helped Jack with his jacket, he put on his own, he inhaled the familiar scent. His jacket was just as he remembered it, nothing about it had changed, unlike him it was the same as it was before their capture, unmarred and intact.

Memories flashed to the surface in his mind unbidden, Jack's screams of pain, Sinclair pressing the blade into Jack's neck, the blood trickling down his neck, Jack pleading "Don't watch this, brother… please."

Jack turned to face his partner when Mac didn't answer him, "Mac? You alright, bud?" He put his good hand on his friend's shoulder, "Mac…" the younger agent looked stricken, like he was witnessing something horrendous.

Jack put the gun in the back of his pants to free up his other hand. He cupped the sides of his friend's face. Unshed tears welled up in Mac's eyes. "Dammit Mac! Snap out of it!" Jack shouted, giving him a gentle shake.

Recognition sparked in the blues eyes and zeroed in on the brown. "Jack?" Mac whispered, confusion furrowing his brow. His arms shot out to grasp onto the front of his friends jacket, anchoring him in the present.

"Yeah kid, it's me. You had me scared for a minute there." Moving his hands to Mac's shoulders.

Mac cleared his throat. "Sorry, I kinda spaced out, I guess, "Mac said clearing his throat again.

"Yeah a little bit." Jack replied, not convinced.

"Probably has something to do with lack of sustenance that we've had for the last three days," Mac added.

"Yeah, well the sooner we get outta here the sooner we can fix that, okay? Let's get a move on." Mac nodded in agreement.

"This place is a fuckin' maze." Jack exclaimed, turning down another hallway.

He was concerned about his best friend. Jack knew there was more going on than what Mac admitted. Now wasn't the right time to hash it out though, timing was everything when it came to Mac, if he didn't choose correctly he would shut him out.

Just a few steps away from entering the room, at the end of the hall, Jack felt a wave of lightheadedness and he faltered, falling against the wall for support. "Jack!" Mac shouted, rushing forward.

The jolt shot pain through his right side causing him to moan. Suddenly Mac's face came into view. "What is it?" Mac questioned, concern etched on his features.

"Just got a little dizzy is all," Jack said breathlessly. Mac saw a darker area on the shirt he had given his friend to wear. He put his hand on it, his stomach dropped when it came away wet with blood.

To be continued...

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