Chapter 16

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Jack was trying as hard as he could just to put one foot in front of the other. His legs felt disconnected from his body, like they were someone else's. He kept having to look down to make sure they were still moving.

They were about halfway to their destination when Jack's legs gave out. His body had had enough and refused to support him anymore.

The sudden shift in weight nearly brought both of the agents down, Mac kept his shoulder under Jacks arm and pivoted to catch his friend under his other arm.

"Woah woah woah, I got you buddy, I got you." Mac grunted out under the new strain.

"Mm sorry Mac." Jack said guiltily. He hated how weak and pathetic he felt. He had prided himself on his ability to power through injuries, even gunshot wounds, until the job was done. Not to mention, it made the kid more vulnerable.

"Hey man, it's alright. We are almost there, you ready?"

"I can't," Jack paused for a couple quick breaths, "move my legs."

The look of fear in Jack's eyes broke Mac's heart, he just hoped Jack couldn't see the fear he was feeling at the revelation "We're almost there buddy, don't worry I got you, okay?" Mac said with renewed resolve.

If he carried him fireman style it would wreak havoc on his gunshot and knife wounds and there is no way Jack would let him carry him bridal style even in his weakened state. He settled for the backpack carry, he moved his arm that was around Jack's back to the front to grasp his arm above the makeshift bandage, next he slid in front of his friend to grab onto Jacks other arm. He leaned forward slightly, taking on his partners weight, then started walking slowly. Jack's boots drug the floor behind them.

The older agent squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block out the burning stabbing pains. The positioning of his arms tugged at the wounds on his side and the infected knife wound in his shoulder. He tried desperately to hold in any sounds of discomfort as he didn't want his friend to have to listen to his pain anymore, not if he could help it.

He laid his head down to ease the pressure he felt building in his neck and shoulders, his bruised cheek came to rest on the back of his friends neck.

"Hey man you still with me?" Mac asked nervously.

"Mm here," Jack answered. He could hear the worry in the kid's voice and hated that he was the reason for it. Suddenly a small grin appeared on his face. He had thought of a way to relieve a bit of that worry even with the fuzzy state of his mind.

Mac was just about to ask if Jack was still awake again when he heard him start to hum. The younger agent let out of breath he hadn't realized he was holding and smiled for the first in what felt like forever.

Years ago, during their time in Afghanistan, Jack had come up with this game where one person would hum a song and the other had to guess the name of the song before the song finished, if the song was guessed then that person would hum a song and so on until one player was stumped. Jack said it was to help with his aversion to boredom, but Mac had noticed his friend only played it when Mac was hurt and needed a distraction or to get Mac out of his own head particularly when he was beating himself up.

Jacks humming was quiet and broken up by numerous breathing pauses but Mac still figured out what song it was about twenty seconds in, but selfishly he wanted to feel the reassuring vibrations of his partners humming, that meant his friend was still alive and with him.

"Sweet Child of Mine, Guns and Roses." Mac stated, finally reaching the makeshift cot just outside the warehouse.

"Yeah," Jack replied hoarsely.

Mac turned to lower Jack down to the truck bench seat, moving as slowly as possible in an attempt to avoid jostling his friend. His efforts proved to be in vain when Jack let out a yelp which followed by a sharp intake of breath and moaning.

Mac quickly helped lower his friend to a sitting position on the cushioned seat and hovered in front of him not sure where to touch or how to help the man.

The older agent tried to push the pain down and catch his breath, which was proving to be more and more difficult. His side was on fire. To say it burned and ached was an understatement. He was exhausted and tired of all the pain. He didn't have the strength to push the pain to a more tolerable level anymore.

"What happened? Where are you hurting?" Mac questioned, anxiously trying to help him.

"It's my side… agh," Jack responded through clenched teeth.

"I'm going to help you lay on your back so I can take a look, okay? Jack nodded.

Mac put his arm behind Jack's neck and lowered him onto his back, then he picked up his legs and moved them up onto the bench seat.

He was scared he could feel himself getting weaker. He didn't want to die, but he always knew it was a possibility every time he went out in the field. He didn't fear death, but he was afraid of Mac witnessing the event, the kid had already lost so many loved ones in his short life.

Mac knelt next to his friend and raised up his shirt and loosened the belt to inspect the wounds on his side.

The knife wound above his hip looked awful, it oozed pus and was obviously infected. Blood still trickled from the gunshot wound and the flesh around it was red and angry looking.

"I'm gonna put some pressure on this and try to stop the bleeding." Mac said apprehensively.

Mac stood and placed his knee beside Jacks waist then leaned over to push down with his body weight on the wound, locking his elbows.

Jack screamed.

Macs insides twisted and his throat tightened. He had heard his partner scream a lot these last few days, but he had never been the cause of it.

Jacks head was thrown back, his teeth clenched, and moaning in obvious misery.

"Jack… I'm sorry buddy, but I have to do this… I'm so sorry. Mac Apologized, the building moisture in his eyes threatened to breach the dam. He desperately wished he could take the pain off of his friends face.

Suddenly it dawned on him that it was his turn. Maybe it would help distract Jack the same way it did with him.

He cleared his throat and started to hum the song he chose.

To be continued...

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