Chapter 19

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Jack heard his partner growl with exertion from inside the warehouse. The growl was followed by the sound of gravel crunching under boots. "Mac, you okay?"

"Yeah buddy, just had to get this guy outta the way." Mac lowered the man he had just drug free of the warehouse to the ground, before he rushed over to his partners side.

Mac's heart clenched as he took in the sight of his friend. 'Had he looked that bad a few minutes ago?' The blood, cuts, and bruises stood out in stark contrast against his pale skin. His abused cracked lips were parted slightly, allowing the too rapid too shallow puffs of air through. The tremors had subsided, but his eyes seemed to be having trouble staying open.

He laid his hand on Jacks shoulder, unconsciously trying to impart some of his own strength into his partner. "Almost done big guy, just gotta leave these surprises in the road, then I'll be right back."

"Be careful," Jack rasped.

"Always," Mac said with a smirk. He gave Jack's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and took off.

Mac jogged up to the side of the concrete building to peer around the corner. He quickly stole a glance around the side. "Oh crap!" Mac muttered to himself. Three of the trucks were headed to the fire, but one was headed his way.

Mac armed the mines and placed them in the road as quickly as he could. He had to get back to Jack and get them both to a more concealed location ASAP.

As soon as the last mine was in position and armed he sprinted back to his best friend. His heart hammered away in his chest and thundered in his ears. "Hey buddy, we gotta move, we are about to have company," The younger agent informed anxiously.

Jack picked up on the hint of fear in the kid's voice and he ineffectively tried to push his friend away. "Get yourself to cover, Mac," He tried to speak in his most authoritative tone, but it came out weak and breathless.

The blond shook his head emphatically from side to side. "Not a chance!"

With unshed tears in his eyes, the former Delta tried again. This time he dropped his voice and the heartfelt plea was saturated with emotion. "Angus, please…there's no time."

Mac swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. "You're right, there is no time to argue. I'm not gonna leave you." He was equally heartwarmed with Jack's selflessness as he was pissed at his lack of self preservation.

"You really should know me better than that by now," Mac added.

Jack did know his partner wouldn't ever leave him behind, but he had to at least try. He would never forgive himself if his brother got hurt or worse trying to save him.

Mac slipped an arm under his friends shoulders and the other arm under Jack's knees. Spurred on by the sounds of the truck getting closer, he lifted the larger man and started towards the cover of trees he had spotted behind the warehouse.

Jack groaned and gritted his teeth. Every step sent bolts of sharp pain shooting throughout his body, even his skin hurt. Unconsciousness beckoned him like a sirens fatally sweet song and he desperately wanted to give in, if only for the promise of a brief respite from the pain. He felt his eyes grow heavier.

Mac was certain his heart stopped when he saw his friend's eyes slide shut and felt his body go limp. "Jack! don't do this to me man! Jack!" His heart constricted painfully. They were a few more steps away from the concealment the trees offered. Mac couldn't tell if Jack was breathing. 'God please let him be alive.' He begged silently.

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