Mac never thought, not even in his worst nightmares, that he would have to do this for Jack, never. He found the spot two fingers above the xiphoid process and started compressions.

The sticky pads of the AED picked up Mac's compressions letting him know he was pushing hard enough to pump blood through his partner's body.

The first crack of Jack's ribs, or their cartilage, Mac felt rather than heard in the noisy chopper. Although he knew it was a sign of good solid compressions, he cringed as it made him queasy. If he had had anything to eat recently he was sure it would have made a reappearance.

Sweat beaded on his brow and disturbed the tiny hairs on his back as drops rolled down. His muscles burned and ached. Exertion along with the sharp pains from his broken rib made it difficult to breathe. He ignored all of it. Nothing was going to stop him from trying to bring his brother back.

"27, 28, 29, 30," the blond called out loud enough for the medic across from him to hear in the noisy chopper. The young agent cupped both sides of his friend's face, while the rescue breaths were administered. "Jack! Come on man… Jack, please don't do this to me!" Mac had leaned in close and spoke the last part just to his friend.

He half expected Jack to open his eyes and tell him not to worry because he was fine, but he didn't.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-" Something between a cough and a choking sound came from Jack followed by a gasp. Mac stopped compressions and watched the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, Jack's heart beating again.

Jack's head rolled to the side as he coughed weakly. The look of stunned disbelief showed on the medics' faces and it took a few seconds before they sprung back into action.

Mac moved up closer to Jack's head and allowed the medic he replaced to have his position back. "Jack… hey man, talk to me." An oxygen cannula was placed under Jack's nose as Mac tried to rouse him.

"Hey buddy, open your eyes for me." Mac said while gently patting the side of Jack's face. Slowly chocolate brown eyes cracked open. His unfocused gaze found Mac and the older agent's brows pulled together slightly.

"Papa," Jack said in his fever induced confusion. Mac knew all too well how infections played cruel tricks on the mind.

Jack's breath hitched and he winced when he tried to take a deep breath. The blond felt a twinge of guilt as he knew his compressions were most likely the cause. The pain must have helped clear some of the confusion because recognition sparked in Jack's eyes. "Mac," a small smile played on his lips.

"Yeah big guy, it's me," Mac answered and moved his hand from the side of his partner's face to grasp his hand.

Jack squeezed his eyes shut. A low groan passed his lips.

"Can you give him something for the pain?"

The medic next to Mac shook his head. "I think the risk outweighs the need. We have morphine, but it could suppress his breathing and he is having enough trouble with that as it is."

Mac nodded in reply. "Where are we going and how long until we arrive?" he asked anxiously.

"We are headed to a hospital in Mardin, Turkey. We should arrive soon, I'll check with the pilot." The medic finished hanging another blood bag then put on a headset and asked the pilot their ETA. "Seven to ten minutes," The pilot responded.

"Almost there brother," Mac said, offering a reassuring smile. Jack was still out of it and didn't acknowledge that Mac had spoken.

Mac lifted Jack's head a bit and placed a hand underneath to keep his head more stabilized.

As he looked at his partner's blood crusted face, anger bubbled up inside him, burning in his gut. Jack had been beat up before, but never like this. Sinclair and his goons had yanked away his security blanket. His belief that no bad guy could get the best of the former Delta was challenged as Jack lay there and his life hung in the balance.

Finally the Blackhawk started its descent onto the hospital helicopter landing pad.

Mac felt a squeeze on his hand and looked down to his friend. To his surprise Jack's eyes were focused on him.

"I'll be okay, brother," Jack rasped.

"You better be," Mac stated, with no humor in his expression.

Jack gave him a fond smile before it disappeared into a grimace. He coughed weakly and moaned as he squeezed his eyes shut.

Mac gently wiped a tear that escaped from his friends eye with his thumb.

His knees were stiff from kneeling on the chopper floor. It took a bit more effort than he wanted to admit to get them working again. He helped the medic's carry Jack to the gurney a few feet away.

While the nurses arranged Jack and hung the IV bags to the pole attached to the hospital bed, one of the medics patted his shoulder from behind and said, "Director Webber set up cover I.D's for you both and she sent in a top surgeon for your partner. He's one tough dude, he'll pull through." The medic offered a comforting smile and handed the Phoenix agent a small bag containing lira, their cover passports, and other necessary documents. Mac nodded and sprinted to catch up to his best friend, who was being rushed to the entrance of the hospital, a short distance away. Once he caught up, one hand went on the back of gurney, urging it forward, and the other one settled on his partner's shoulder. Jack responded by tilting his head towards him.

Even though Jack was a little out of it, he felt the warm hand on his shoulder and took comfort in the knowledge Mac was by his side.

To be continued...

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