A loud explosion blew behind them just as they reached the cover of the trees. Mac didn't even spare a glance at the wreckage, instead he knelt with his cargo behind a tree. He kept the former Delta's head cradled in the crook of his left arm and placed his partner's bottom half on the ground to free up his right. Then he pressed his shaking index and middle fingers to the pulse point on Jack's neck. Mac choked out a sob of relief. The pulse was there, it was faint, but it was there.

"Jack… I need you to fight. Okay, brother? I need you..." Mac choked out, his voice breaking. He wasn't the type who felt comfortable talking about his feelings, but he had to make sure Jack knew how important he was to him.

"We might not have had the best beginning, but I would have never made it out of the Sandbox if it weren't for you. You saved my life in more ways than one, I hope you realize that. Most importantly you've shown me that real family never abandons." Mac closed his eyes and his shoulders slumped, suddenly he felt completely drained. "I wish you were my dad," Mac said in a whisper.

"Me too kid," Jack answered hoarsely.

Mac's eyes snapped open in surprise. He found Jack's half lidded gaze focused on him. Mac let out breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Jack! Thank God! Don't do that again!" Mac demanded.

"Sorry brother, I didn't… mean to," Jack rasped.

Mac winced at the sound of Jack's voice, it sounded painful. The bruises on Jack's throat were starting to darken. He didn't feel sorry that the man that put them there was dead.

Mac's head popped up, suddenly remembering the truck. That explosion would more than likely bring the others as well.

The truck lay on its side and one of the passengers was currently crawling out of the shattered glass window on the passenger side. In the distance he could hear the rumble of another truck getting closer.

"Where the hell is our ride?" Mac said through clenched teeth.

His attention returned to his partner when he felt Jack's body tense. A groan escaped and his jaw clamped tightly shut in a grim smile. "Anything I can do?" Mac asked sympathetically. The feeling of helplessness washed over him again.

"It's nothing," Jack gritted out and turned his head towards the road.

Mac rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

"Here comes… more of em'," Jack stated forlornly.

The former Delta felt around his waistband for his borrowed gun. "Mac, ple-"

"I put it in this bag," Mac interrupted, already knowing what his partner was going to ask. He reached into the bag to hand over the weapon.

"Oh, good… I feel… naked without it," The older agent said relieved. He took the gun and pulled the slide back to check his ammo. Satisfied he let the gun rest in his grasp across his chest and turned his head back towards the road.

The truck they had been hearing came around the corner followed by another truck. They both stopped several feet behind the destroyed vehicle and proceeded to climb out. There were two guys in the first truck and three in the second. All of them appeared to be carrying assault rifles.

They helped the one who had crawled out of the flipped truck to his feet and cautiously made their way towards the warehouse. One of the men spotted the bound man Mac had drug free from the building and jogged to his side. He pulled a knife from his boot and sliced through the restraints, then roused the unconscious man by gently shaking him and patting the side of his face.

Mac just watched and prayed the helicopter would arrive soon. It was only a matter of time before these guys found them.

"Aggggggh!" Jack groaned again arching his back slightly. 'This is it.' Jack thought to himself. He could feel it. He was terrified and heartbroken that Mac was going to have to watch.

Fearful hurt brown eyes met concerned blue ones. "Mac," Jack uttered shakily.

"Hold on brother, just a little bit longer," Mac forced the words out through the tightening in his throat. The look on his partner's face felt like a punch to his gut. Jack was dying right before his eyes and he couldn't do a damn thing.

Jack let go of the gun on his chest and grasp the front of Mac's shirt. His eyes felt like lead weights as he fought to keep them open.

Just then the young agent heard the most beautiful sound off in the distance. It was the sound of a helicopter. "Hey, you hear that big guy? The calvary's comin'!" Mac exclaimed with a grin.

"Mac," Jack said in a weak whisper. His breathing started to slow and his eyelids drooped closed then opened halfway only to close again. Jack's hand unclenched from Mac's shirt and fell to his side. His head rolled to the side to rest against his friends upper arm.

"No no no no no! Jack! Jack please!" Mac pleaded. His partner was still breathing, but only just.

The noise of the approaching chopper seemed to make Sinclairs hired goons a little jumpy. They filed out of the warehouse holding their rifles pulled tight against their shoulders and ready to fire whenever a threat presented itself.

One of the mercenaries suddenly pointed in the agents' direction and yelled to his friends to follow. 'Shit, of course they had been spotted.' The last truck chose that moment to join the others.

Before the occupants could get out of the truck a loud whoosh whistled by and the truck exploded. The blackhawk's missile had found its mark and reduced the truck to a smoldering pile of unrecognizable mangled metal.

The gunner wasted no time firing the mounted .50 cal at Sinclair's men. Those who weren't hit scattered and scrambled for cover.

Mac slid his arm under Jack's knees once more and hoisted the unconscious man up to his chest.

The chopper landed in a clearing about thirty yards from their position. Two men in flight suits, probably the medics, jogged towards him. The gunner stayed in the Blackhawk and laid down cover fire.

Mac faltered just as the medics reached them.

"Alright, Sir, we can take him from here."

"I've got him!" Mac snapped out harshly.

The two medics held up their hands in surrender. "I know you guys have been through hell these past few days and I can understand why you might have difficulty trusting anyone, but you have to believe me, we are only here to help."

Mac nodded and allowed the two men to help him get Jack in the helicopter.

To be continued...

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