13|They are my Brothers

Start from the beginning

If you are reading this, then I have left Asgard. I am truly sorry, but I cannot stay, nor can I tell you the complete truth about my departure. After my last mission, Asgard has become unbearable, all the secrets, they are too much. At night I am awake, the massacre of my people fill my head. The Valkyries are all dead, and I could not save them.

I am alright. Do not come looking for me, please. I hope one day I will return and we may meet again.

Nanna Freyrsdottir

The trio met up with the Grandmaster so they could watch Thor compete against the champion. Freya and Nanna's long blue dresses dragging over the floor, Freya's chest and waist covered by golden delicate metal work which kept Nidhogg situated on her soldier easier so he could be near her even if he had just lost his cast and his broken bones had healed.

The Grandmaster introduced Thor, and the trio noticed something odd, they had cut Thor's hair. The once light blonde curls that reached his shoulders were suddenly short dark blonde. Freya instinctively twirled a little braid which had some of Loki's and Thor's hair in it. Each sibling had the same braid.

As the champion was announced, the doors were smashed and revealed the Hulk. Much to Loki, Freya and Thor's surprise. Thor cheered while Loki tried to flee, mumbling something along the lines of I have to get of this planet, but was stopped by the Grandmaster. Freya's mind was completely blank as she watched her dear friend who she had missed for a little over two years. Nanna stopped pouring herself a drink for a second before she continued pouring the strong alcohol into her glass.

"We know each other. He's a friend from work." Thor shouted happily as the Grandmaster turned to look at the three Asgardians next to him. Loki cleared his throat as Nanna frowned, realising how the infamous Hulk looked while gingerly sipping her drink, as Freya answered the questioning look "It's quite a long story. Pretty complicated too." She picked at her left hand a little.

Thor seemed to try and talk with the Hulk in vain. Thor was simply punched and was forced to fight back. It all stayed pretty much the same, until Thor again tried to calm down the Hulk, only to be smashed.

"That's how it feels!" Loki jumped up, happy that Thor new how it was to be smashed by the Hulk, like Freya and Loki before. The Grandmaster gave another confused look as Loki quickly made up an excuse "I'm just a huge fan of the sport." As Loki sat back down Freya whispered "You are aware I was also smashed by him two years ago?" Loki's expression immediately morphed into concern as he threw an arm around her and Freya couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips as she drank a bit of her odd blue neon coloured drink.

The fight was pretty much the same, until the Hulk was repeatedly punching Thor in the face. Nanna held Freya's hand tightly in her own, both women hoping he would be okay and Loki frowned as he felt concern wash over him.

Unexpectedly, Thor was surrounded by lightning and managed to fight back, but it wasn't enough. Eventually the Hulk had jumped up and elbowed Thor in the face, effectively knocking the man out.

But lightning had surrounded Thor. He had finally started to truly master his powers. As it seemed, Loki had been the first one to master his magic, followed by Thor. Even if all believed that Freya was the first one to fully control and develop her powers, she would in fact be the last of the royal siblings to do so.

And there we have it, the new chapter!!! Tell me your thoughts please.
That Loki x Freya moment in the beginning will be returning later ;)

That Loki x Freya moment in the beginning will be returning later ;)

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Funny Post

My mood whenever I get a crappy update or my iPad crashes, but like I don't have the money to buy a new one

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My mood whenever I get a crappy update or my iPad crashes, but like I don't have the money to buy a new one......

[Word Count:1834]

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