13|They are my Brothers

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"What are you three whispering about?" The Grandmaster smiled intrigued as the three siblings looked at him startled, Freya quickly removing her hand from Thor's shoulder "Time works real different around these parts. On any other world, I'd be like millions of years old. But here on Sakaar..." The Grandmaster beheld himself. Then turned to Loki with a suggestive smile.

They exchanged some uncomfortable glances, the glances also passing to Freya and Thor. Making the whole situation beyond awkward. Thor wondering what was happening, Freya wanting to leave with the Grandmaster's loud thoughts that she wished to unread, as Loki seemed to try to tell the Grandmaster that he shouldn't be so suggestive around his siblings, remembering Thor and Freya with their companions in the past.

"In any case, you know this... You call yourself Lord of Thunder?" The Grandmaster turned to Thor, waving his hands a bit, Thor quickly corrected him "God of Thunder. Tell him." He chuckled a little, looking at his siblings and nudging his head towards the Grandmaster. Freya opened her mouth to respond, but Loki quickly covered her mouth with his hand "I've never met this man in my life." Freya frowned  as she tried to pull Loki's hand away, but his hand didn't budge.

"He's my brother and she's my sister." Thor shouted "I'm adopted." Loki smiled as Freya ripped his hand away "He is indeed our brother." 

The Grandmaster looked at the trio confused "Well, this is a dysfunctional family. I'm not one to judge. Is he any kind of a fighter?" Thor laughed as he looked at the Grandmaster "You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you." The Grandmaster smiled as he adjusted his vest "Now listen to that. He's threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-place, Assberg..." Thor interrupted the Grandmaster "Asgard." The Grandmaster ignored Thor "Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win." The Grandmaster spoke giddily "Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick." Thor was obviously done with the whole situation "That's what I call, contender! Direction would be this way, Lord." The Grandmaster picked up the thing that controlled Thor's chair, driving it away "Loki! Freya!" Thor shouted as he was taken away.

Freya was about to walk after Thor, but was stopped by Loki's hand around her arm "Stay here. You know what the Grandmaster will do if you disrespect him." Freya nodded "I have to talk to Nanna." Freya turned on her heel as she walked off to talk to Nanna.

"Nanna!" Freya rushed into the elder woman's bedroom, Nanna looked up from her game, raising an eyebrow "What's got you all worked up?" Freya looked at Nanna "Thor is back. He is in Sakaar." Nanna looked at Freya, shocked.

Thor adjusted his armour that he would wear to his wedding. He wrung his wrists as he looked at his reflection, of course he was nervous, he was about to marry the woman he had known his whole life.

"It suits you." Loki entered the room, Freya at his side as Thor looked back at them through the mirror "You look perfect." Thor turned around smiling at his siblings "Thank you. How's Nanna?" Thor looked over at Freya "I am about to check up on her. I wished to see how my dear brother was." Freya smiled as Thor looked down, fidgeting slightly "Nervous brother?" Loki smirked as Thor looked up "No. I am never nervous." He denied "I know you're lying." Loki taunted.

Freya walked into Nanna's room, it was almost time for the ceremony.

But the room was empty, only two notes laid on display on Nanna's bed.

Freya picked up the note that was dedicated to everyone.

Hello everyone,

Destiny | Bucky Barnes [2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora