Chapter 60: Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"There's something I got to do first." Steve Rogers replied with a thoughtful look. Fury looked over to Sam.

"How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities." Sam glanced at Steve.

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy." Sam answered.

"Alright then." Nick Fury nodded and gave his tombstone one last look. He shook the men's hands. "Anyone ask for me, tell them they can find me right here."

"You should be honoured. That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you." Natasha Romanoff walked towards the group of men. Nick Fury walked away, giving the group one last glance.

"Not going with him." Steve walked up to Natasha.

"No." Natasha smiled up at Steve.

"Not staying here." Steve nodded. Natasha shook her head.

"I blew all my covers. I got to go figure out a new one." Natasha told him. Steve stared down at his friend.

"That might take a while." Steve stated.

"I'm counting on it." Natasha smiled softly. The stood in silence in the cool summer breeze. The sun shining off the green trees all around them. Small tombstone surrounding them. "That thing you asked for, called in few favours from Kiev." Natasha handed him two files. Both had Russian words on it. Steve stared down at them. "Will you do me a favour? Call that girl from California..."

"She's not from California."

"And you're not from Washington." Natasha smirked up at him. Steve smiled.

"What was her name again?" Steve asked jokily.

"Tessa... but I'm sure you remember." She smiled. "She's sweet." They stared at each other for a few moments. Natasha leaned towards him, Steve meeting her half way for Natasha to place a kiss on his cheek. Natasha began to walk away. She stopped and turned around. "Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread. You might also want to go talk to Tony... he's probably not doing to good." She walked way.

Steve opened the first file. There was James Buchanan Barnes, cover in ice, eyes closed. He peeked at that other one. 5 year old Hope Marie Stark staring at the camera, eyes filled with fear. Steve's breath hitched at the sight. He closed their files.

"You're going after them." Sam stated more than asked. Sam looked around at the cemetery.

"You don't have to come with me." Steve told the man. Sam looked at him.

"I know." Sam nodded. "When do we start?" He asked, becoming Steve's new close friend and partner.


"Hey Maria. Can you tell my Dad that I love him... and I promise I'll be careful." I held in a breath as I heard my daughter speak.

"Hope... what's going on?"

"I'm sorry Maria, but I have to help him. I love you guys... I'm sorry." I closed my eyes tightly as I heard the line go dead. I pursued my lips. Her voice was filled with emotion. Pepper cried as she heard the recording. I sat there, staring at the ground.

"She's missing, along with the Soldier. I assume they left together." Maria spoke softly as she stared at us. Pepper nodded.

"Can you leave us alone?" I asked her, trying to be as polite as I can. She nodded and walked towards the elevator. I knew I should have went. I have to talk to Steve. I need all the information I can get. I stared at the armour in front of me. "J.A.R.V.I.S! Track Hope's-."

"Already done, Sir. It appears to be in Washington still. Miss Stark had something for me to show you if anything like this happened." J spoke. I looked up from my hands. From Hope's helmet, a projection recording came up. In front of Pepper and I, there stood a recording of Hope. I stood up. I stood directly in front of her. I gasped. I gulped down the tears.

"Hey Dad... Hey Pep. If you guys see this, then that means I'm not there right now... well obviously." Hope laughed softly. I felt my lip twitch upwards. "I assume I'm gone, not like dead, but left. I just want you to know I had no intention on just ditching you's like this. I planned on moving back in and living my life again, but I guess that's not how it went. I assume I left with him... Bucky. I know Natasha's intentions of exposing us. She asked if I would be okay with it. I guess I'm ready for the world to know who I am... for you guys to know. Bucky is something like a brother to me. He saved my life, many times. HYDRA gave no shits about how we felt. We were all we had to keep us sane... well... I can't imagine the 65 years by himself. I couldn't let Bucky go through with all of this alone. Not when I can help him. Dad... I love you. Pepper, I love you. You two gave me a reason to live. I was scared. You gave me more and more reasons to be happy, to keep fighting. I love you two so much! I can't express how much I love you..." Then why did you leave me? "And Dad. I only left because I love Bucky too. He's helped my through the worst years of my life. The torture and experiments were only tolerable because of him. I kept fighting because he did. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you guys. I wouldn't have met the Avengers. I wouldn't have met Peter, Romeo, Harley. Peter will probably get mad at me again. Anyway, I just want to say I'm sorry. I know you're probably mad at me for leaving, but I have to.

It's the least I could do. I have to get going. Busy day ahead and tomorrow, and I'm sure Natasha found the location. Pepper... I love you... so much. You've always been the woman I needed to go to for advice. We went shopping together. You helped me when Dad went missing. You were always there for me. I could never repay you, both of you. Thanks for everything. I love you, mom. I love you, Dad." Hope smiled again the camera. She walked closer, but then stopped. "Oh yeah! I also wanted you to know that I will probably leave this with Steve. He'll probably keep it too. I'm feel like he would totally be a hoarder when he get old... older." She pointed to the glasses behind her ear. She smiled on last time. "I'll miss you..." She pressed end.

"Oh my god..." Peppers cried softly. I held her close to me as I felt tears were already running down my face. She'll be okay... she's strong... but what about the public? People aren't taking this lightly. Natasha is probably on the run too, for now anyway. Hope was just a kid though. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She should be here with us. I kissed Pepper's head as she held onto me. Her body shaking from her sob.

I can tell I won't be sleeping for a while. I will probably watch this recording again later.

I just want my little girl to come home. I squeezed Pepper as I felt my hands begin to shake. She's okay, she'll be okay. My breathing picked up. Who am I kidding!? She's probably scared! She probably watched the news! People calling her a monster! She's not a monster! I let go of Pepper and tried to calm myself down. Pepper tried to calm me down, but Hope was always the one I need right now. This is my second time having an attack in front of Pep.

"I'm sure she's fine Tony... she's a strong woman now... she's smart too." She spoke to me softly. I nodded. She's right. I thought about Hope. I thought about her smile, and the way she would always tuck her hair behind her ear when it would get in her face. I remembered when she was a kid. I remembered the small details about her face. She's okay. I looked outside the window.

She could be anywhere. I just wish I could have told her I was planning on making this the Avengers Tower... I was going to tell her when she got back. We were all going to come together and work as a team again... but she won't be here to see it. I cried again, wishing to have my daughter by my side.

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