Chapter 40: Birthday Wishes

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After we had dinner, which was delicious by the way, Pepper took us home. Dad and I keep asking what the surprise is, but she won't break. I was surprised Dad didn't know about the surprise. She said we both would love it.

"Pepper!" I groaned for the 100th time. Pepper giggled as we got out the car. We were back at the Tower. We trailed after Pepper.

"Pepper!" Dad groaned.

"Peppppper!" I copied Dad. We stood in the elevator for what felt like forever. Pepper getting more annoyed by the second. Dad and I both asking her questions.

"Is it here?"

"Well no duh Dad."

"What is it?"

"Is it cool? Is it food!?"

"We just ate, Hope."


"You shouldn't eat so much all the time..."

"What did you just say?"

"You're right... I don't know what came over me."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm.- I'm losing it... how could I say that..."

"Oh my god! You're heating up!"

"What?! Am I going to die?!"

"I say 2 weeks tops."

"I don't wanna d-!"

"Oh look! We made it!" Pepper exclaimed loudly as the elevator made it to the top. Dad and I smirked at each other. Pepper quickly walked out of the elevator into the dark room. "J.A.R.V.I.S." The lights came on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" "HAPPY CHRISTMAS!" Clint exclaimed as the other Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D agents yelled happy birthday.

I jumped in surprise. I grinned at the sight. White and blue balloons, blue streamers. I notice a really good looking food table. I grinned at I saw the others.

"Awwww! Guys!" I grinned happily at them. I ran to Natasha and hugged her. I gave each of them hugs. Even Thor was here! How!? I might have hugged him a bit too long. Everyone came up to me and wished me Happy Birthday. I walked over to Pepper who was talking to Banner.

"Thanks Pepper!" I hugged her. She laughed.

"You're very welcome. It took me quite a while to get them all on a day they weren't." I furrowed my eyebrows. She smirked. "You really think I would forget your birthday?"

"Nope, never doubted you..." I grinned innocently. Pepper rolled her eyes.

"Happy Birthday Hope." Bruce greeted. I smiled at the man.

"Thanks Bruce. What have you been up too? I haven't seen you in a while." I asked. He shrugged.

"I've just been laying low. Trying to start over. I didn't think I can handle working for S.H.I.E.L.D, so I've been helping people in places where they don't have everything they need." He shrugged.

"That's so sweet Bruce." I awed. He chuckled.

"Hey Pepper!" A high pitched voice yelled from across the room. We all looked over towards the voice and noticed Dad with a helium balloon in his hand. "Come try this!"

"Tony!" She scowled as she stormed over. I laughed as Bruce shook his head.

"He never changed." He smiled. I shook my head. Natasha came over and stood beside me.

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