Chapter 34: It's a Trap

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I opened my eyes slowly. I groaned in pain a moved my body. I was on a table. I was hooked up to some machines. I pulled them off me. I looked around and no one was here. I was in... I don't even know. I heard a door open. I turn and see Killian walking towards me with two other people. I glared at him.

"Ah! Nice to see you wake! I was hoping you would survive." He smirked. The other two came on both sides of me as Killian stood at my feet. They were just here just in case. "I know your a bit confus-."

"I know exactly what you did and what your going to do Killian. I'm in your head as we speak." I smirked at him. He sighed and nodded.

"I forgot you could read minds. I only see you on TV and it's not like I can see you do that on TV." He shrugged. "Anyway, Pepper should be waking up soon... hopefully. You two are helping me get Tony to come here. He managed to escape... I'm not really surprised. He's quite smart... I hate it. He won't win this time though." He smirked. I glared at him.

"You won't win... the bad guy never does." I sneered. I felt my eyes burn... but not just my eyes anymore... my hands too. I looked down. My veins glowed blue. Killian stared in awe.

"It's looks like your body fully accepted Extremis. It connected to your power. I wonder why... who cares! I'm sure you can do some serious damage." He observed me. I looked at both of the guards. They had Extremis too. I can see it in their minds. I made blue flames appear in my hands like I would with the balls of mist. I looked at Killian.

"You will regret this." I snapped both the guards necks with the flick of my wrist. They fell to the ground. I felt more... powerful. More energized, but I don't want this. I want this gone, but right now, I'll use it to my advantage. I stood up. I walked towards Killian with a murderous glare. He backed away against the wall. "Nothings stopping me from killing you." My eyes glowed. He gulped with a look of fear... but then he smirked.

"If you did kill me, I wouldn't be the only one to die. I have people listening in to this chat, and if you killed me... Pepper dies too." My eyes went back to normal, but my face held a sneer. "And I don't think you want that... and Tony would hate you. Poor Pepper... the pain she went through... I can't get her screams out of my head. And your too. Pain... that's a funny thing. I haven't felt it in years. I kinda miss it-."

"I'll make you feel pain... I'll show you what real power and pain is." I warned him. "My Dad-."

"Isn't even you real dad." He laughed. I glared. "I know who you real Dad is though..."

"Liar." I sneered in anger. "You don't know shit."

"Oh but I do. I know your past. I know about HYDRA... Barnes..." he whispered with a smirk. I felt my breath hitch.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed as I threw the bed at the wall with my magic. I can't hurt him or Pepper will get hurt. I can't let her get hurt.

"They want you back... but I don't know if I should give you away. You could be my secret weapon. HYRDA has the Winter Soldier, S.H.I.E.L.D has the Avengers. You can help with Extremis." Killian imagined what could happened if I agreed to help him. So many would be hurt... killed. Extremis is not stable.

"I won't help you. I have seen everything in your head. I've seen your thoughts, memory's, desires, what you fear... I've seen it all. You fear me." My fists clenched. I felt really hot. He was making me angry and he wanted that. He wanted me to get too hot. I felt myself cool down.

"Many people fear you before Extremis... imagine what they will think now. I'm sure HYRDA won't mind. They still want you. They're happy I did this. His brother wants you back. Your evil scientist got killed... I don't know what for, but his brother has two other people. Twins. The girl is almost as strong as you, but she only got her powers from... uh what's his name? Laky?"

"Loki." I corrected the maniac. He nodded with a smile.

"Ah yes. Loki. Her powers are from Loki's sceptre. But yours, they from the Tesseract. I heard that's what Laky was after during the whole alien attack. The source of power for his sceptre. She's like a weaker version of you." He smirked. I know this. He gave me all the information I need and want.

"I'm sure I can get her and her brother on our side. They're around my age... I can find some common ground. I'll show them." I watched Killian walk towards the door.

"That's if you survive long enough to meet them, or maybe HYDRA will wipe you." He shrugged. I growled. I straight up growled... wow...

I stood in the room by myself. I looked around. I need to find Dad and Pepper... how long have I been out?

I though of the short man I call Dad. His bright smile. His brown eyes. His messy brown hair. I thought about how happy he made me. How much I love him. I didn't feel myself move... like at all, but when I opened my eyes, I saw him.

"Dad!" I exclaimed in happiness and relief. Dad and Rhodey looked over to me. I tackled Dad. We fell onto the floor... of a boat? I squeezed him tightly.

"Oh thank god..." I heard him whisper. I cried as I hugged him. This reminded me of 2008. He was kidnaped and disappeared for 3 months. He squeezed me. "I'm sorry Hope... I shoulda stopped him."

"Shut up." I told him. He chuckled. "It wasn't your fault, but we need to get Pepper." I stared. We pulled apart and stood up. I ran to Rhodey and hugged him. "Uncle Rhodes!"

"Hey kid. You alright?" They both studied my body, looking for any injuries. I nodded.

"I'm alright, and Pepper survived the Extremis too. But I didn't see her after." I told the two men. "I can go get her." Dad looked over to me.

"You could get hurt. No! No! No! Did I mention no!? Who knows what they might do." Rhodes exclaimed. I smiled at him.

"I have what they have." I made blue flames appear. Dad pinched his knows as he thought hard.

"Do you breath fire by any chance?" Rhodey Asked. I shrugged.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Just wondering." He shrugged and brushed it off as he steered the boat.

"...go get her." Dad finally spoke. Rhodey looked over to Dad with a surprised expression.

"Really? I thought you would be a bit more cautious about sending your daughter into a trap. Did I mention this is probably a trap? Killian probably knows that's what your going to do." Rhodes looked at both of us. I nodded.

"But he doesn't know how. He doesn't know I can teleport. I can just grab her and go." I shrugged.

"Rhodes and I have something to do first. You go get Pep. Just teleport back to us." Dad spoke. He really wants Pepper back. He loves her so much. I smiled and nodded.

"Be back soon." I smiled at them. Rhodey hugged me, but Dad was working on his suit... I looked down to me feet, but quickly smiled at Rhodes.

"He's just stressed out. You know he does this all the time." I nodded at Rhodey's words. I closed my eyes and though of Pepper. After a few moments, I opened my eyes.

"Ahh.. nice to finally meet you Witch. I'm sure the Winter Soldier won't mind having his partner back." I stared at the man I feared since my first flashback. I froze as about 2 dozen men with guns surrounded me. Pepper was still unconscious as they strolled her out the room. How did they know?

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