Chpater 3: HYDRA?

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Hope's POV

I sat on my bed with my legs to my chest and my hands on my head.


That one word made my remember more in 5 minutes than just trying to look in my mind for 8 years. I want to join the Avengers Initiative still. I want to help. I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey Hope... can I come in?" Dad's voice asked, muffled by the door. After a few moments I decided to let him in.

"Come in." I called out. The door opened. Dad walked in. He stopped at stared at me with worry.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked with concern. I nodded. He closed the door and walked over to my bed. He sat down in front of me. He sat criss, cross facing me. I smiled at him. He let out a sigh of relief. "W-what was that about? J.A.R.V.I.S scanned you and you seemed to have had a panic attack. You had fairy dust flying everywhere."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean too." I apologized for the magic. I looked down at my hands.

"Hey, hey! We know you didn't mean too. We're not mad. We're worried. You screamed in pain for 5 minutes... and I couldn't do anything about it. I just had to listen to your screams as I held you. I never want to see you like that ever again. Pepper, Coulson, and I didn't know what to do. I-I want to know what happened. Was it Captain? You looked at his file before you dropped to the ground and I don't know if I can-." I interrupted Dad's rambling.

"Dad! I'm fine! It was nothing. I'm completely fine now. There's nothing to worry about. And it wasn't Captain... it... it was a word I read that was on his file." I saw glimpse of the memory in my head. It looked like it was before I was 10. I looked... 5 or 6 years old. I flinched as I felt something touch me. Dad rested his hand on my knee, but quickly pulled away after I flinched.

"What was the word Hope?" He asked softly. His faces relaxed as he waited for my reply.

"H...HYDRA." I whispered. Dad tensed. He knew what that was.

"HYDRA? Why did HYDRA cause you to have an attack?" He asked curiously and with a little anger. I sighed.

"Can I show you something? What I saw when I had the attack?" I asked as I raised my hands and eyebrows. He hesitated, but agreed. I raised my hands to his head. "Close your eyes."

He did. I felt warmth at my finger tips as blue mist surround Dad's head. I closed my eyes and focused on the memory.

After the memory was over. I opened my eyes. Dad still had us eyes close, but had tears falling down his face. I gasped softly. Dad never cries. Dad peeled his eyes opened. They were slightly red.

"Oh Hope..." He whispered as he grabbed me and hugged me. I hugged him right back. His hug made me want to cry now.

Crying never helped, it only made things worse!

I gulped at the sound of my child self voice in my head.

Dad hugged me tighter.

"It's okay to cry Hope. I'm here for you." Dad whispered in my ear. He placed a kiss on the side of my head.

I put my face in Dad's neck as I felt something I haven't felt in years. Tears welled up in my eyes. I hugged Dad as if he was going to disappear if I let go and cried.

My shoulders shook as I let out tears I've been holding in for years.

All the people talking about me being a freak, not remembering my past, and now... the memory I've been waiting for, but regret seeing. I cried because I felt like I'm missing something... someone. There was someone out there who need saving, and I don't know who.

I felt Dad run his head through my hair as he spoke calmly words to me. I would be lost without this man.

After several moments, I finally calmed down. My eyes hurt. I slowly pulled away from Dad. Dad's eyes were still red. He had tear stains on his face from a few tears. I probably look terrible.

I sniffled.

I looked at Dad's shirt and laughed softly.

"I-I'm sorry about you shirt Dad." I smiled at him as I sniffles again. He looked down to his shirt and chuckled.

"Don't worry about the shirt Hope... I'm glad you got some of that out. I know you haven't had a good cry in a while." He smiled softly, but he still looked concerned.

"You haven't either..." I whispered. Dad looked down. I know he has his own problems too. He almost died a while ago! He was going to make me CEO, but I quickly declined. I'm glad I did too! Pepper is perfect for it. Dad looked at the guitar in my room. He nodded toward it.

"Play me a song. I know music helps you calm down... it helps me too." He whispered the last part. I chuckled because I already knew it did.

"Fine, but only for you." I smiled at the genius. I walked to the guitar and sat down. I rested it on leg. I looked at dad.

"Any requests?" I smirked slightly. He shrugged with a smile.

"Surprise me." He answered as he laid down on my bed looking up. I started playing the first song that came to mind. I started playing.

Though a dream is like a river
With a change as it flows
And a dreamers just a vessel
That must follow where it goes

Try and need to learn from what's behind you
Never knowing what's in store
Face each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shore

And I will sail my vessel

Till the river runs dry

Like a bird above the wind,

These waters are my sky's

I'll never reach my destination,

If I never I try

So I'll sail my vessel,

Till the river runs dry

I didn't sing the full song, just a small part of it. It's called The River by Garth Brooks. Its a country song. I love country, rap, pop, and... well anything really. I like older music too. I looked over to dad and noticed he was staring at me. I raised my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked. He sat up.

"Are you sure your up for the Avengers Initiative?" He questioned.

I groaned.

Now he's going to think I'm not ready! He really doesn't want me to grow up. I even started looking for apartment. Dad insists on me just living with him, but I don't want to rely on him for the rest of my life. So he insisted on him finding me somewhere expensive and luxury, but I want to choose. I feel like a burden to Dad and Pep. They help me so much and I've done nothing to repay them. They always tell me I'm not and I can see it in their mind...but I just feel like I'm not wanted.

"I'm going to help Dad! I am okay." I stood up and put my guitar to the side. He nodded, still not convinced and stood up. He walked to the door. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not little anymore."

"That's the problem..." he whispered with a sigh. I chuckled as hugged him.

"I'll still be here for you though." I said to him softly. He chuckled.

"You probably will be so happy to leave. Omg! Finally I can invite my boyfriends over... you don't have any... do you?" He mocked me, but became serious as he pointed at me accusingly. I shook my head quickly.

"Nope! No boyfriend or girlfriend here!" I smiled innocently. It's true. I never found the one yet. I... I have some trust issues too. He squinted his eyes. "I promise! You know I have trust issues."

"If you did, I would gladly like to show him my suit collection." He smirked. I pushed him out. He chuckled.

"Good night Dad!" As I slowly closed the door.

"Good night Hope... no bad dreams!" He yelled from the stairs. I smiled and closed the door. I can't wait to meet the rest of the Avengers! But do I tell Captain that HYDRA is still around...?

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