Chapter 38: Home

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After Rhodes left with the President, there was a big explosion, Dad made it somewhat safely to the ground, and now I'm watching from the railing above as Killian stalked out of the flames towards Dad. I rested my head on my chin as I cringed at Killian. He looked a bit rough. A bit... burnt. I chuckled.

"No more false faces..." he grumbled out as Dad tried to crawl away. I got ready to intervene. "You wanted the Mandarin... your looking right at him. It was always me Tony. Right from the start." I notice Dad panic a bit. "I am the Mandarin!" Killian got hit with a metal pipe and hit the wall behind him. I gasped as I saw Pepper glowing orange. Sports bra and black pants. Her hair knotted and dirty. She still looked beautiful and badass. Dad looked shock and relieved. Pepper stared at Dad as she dropped the pipe.

"... I got nothing." Dad stated awe struck. I smirked as I rested my chin in my hand  again. One of Dad's suits come flying towards Pepper. "J.A.R.V.I.S! Subject on my 12 o'clock is not a target! Disengage!" Dad didn't have his ear comm in. The suit fired at Pepper. I used my magic to make the shot a misfire and miss Pepper. She also dodged it. It circled back around. She glared at Dad. I smirked. Dad started to panic again. She charged at him. "Oh what, you mad at me!?" She jumped off a piece of metal in front of him and punched the suit right through the chest in mid air. She did a super hero landing and flipped her hair back up. She stood up and punched her arm into the suit and into the arm. She spun and punched Killian away as he charged at her. Dad watched in amazement as he went ohh. Pepper kicked one of the middle from the suit towards Killian and blasted the missile right in front of him, making him explode.

... that's my mom! That my mom right there! I feel like a creep watching up here, but going down there is too much work. I'm tired. I used way too much magic today. Oh shit! Today's my 'birthday'! December 24. Tomorrow's Christmas! I squealed as I hopped down to my family.

"Who's the hot mess now?" Pepper Asked Dad. I guess that's an inside joke, but I couldn't help but laugh. I smiled at Pepper.

"Still debatable." Dad remarked. "Tipping your way a little bit. Why don't you dress like this at home? The sport bra, the whole deal?"

"Now I understand why you don't wanna give up these things. What am I gonna complain about now?" Pepper stared at the metal arm on her. Dad stood up and walked over to her.

"Well, it's me. You'll think of something." Dad smiled softly at the love of his life. Dad went to hold her, but she freaked out.

"Wait! No! Don't touch me! I might burn you!" She backed away, but Dad stopped her by touching her arm.

"Hey, it's okay, look. No burning. Not hot." He looked down at her.

"Am I going to be okay?" She asked, scared. I frowned as I saw tears in her eyes.

"No. You're in a relationship with me. Nothing will be okay." Dad huffed out a laugh. Pepper was panicking. Dad looked over to me. I gestured to her. He looked down at her. "Well I can make this okay, yeah." He nodded reassuringly. She looked up at him hopefully. "I almost had this 20 years ago when I was drunk. I think I can get you better. That's what I do, I fix stuff."

"And all your distractions?" Pepper Asked him. I gulped as I felt like I was intruding on a moment, but I didn't really have any place to go.

"Ah... I'm gonna shape them down a bit. J.A.R.V.I.S? Hey!" He tapped his ear comm. "You know what to do... screw it. It's Christmas. Yes." Dad hugged Pepper. I smiled at the two. I looked up and watched as one by one, all Dad's suit self destructed. I gasped as they resembled fireworks. Almost celebrating a new Tony Stark. I knew this was slightly hurting Dad, but he was doing it for Pepper. He truly did love her.

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