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Not that it matters but I've always pictured Ansel Elgort as Ethan and now I can't unsee it so I'm sharing this with all of you to enjoy lol x

If you want to see more "cast members", let me know. The only one I wouldn't show is Roslyn so people can imagine her how they'd like. I only give brief descriptions here and there :)



Not much happened after Harry and I went out the other day. We didn't stay long at the bar we were at and afterward, he took me home. He walked me to the front door of my apartment complex, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and then told me he'd text me before leaving. He seemed to leave rather hastily which left a bitter taste in my mouth, but he was sweet in his messages later that night so I didn't think much of it. 

It was also nice meeting Mitch that night. I was a little bit wary considering it was something sprung on me last minute but I feel honored Harry trusted me to meet one of his closest friends. I also think he's a good friend to Harry and I feel mildly comforted knowing Mitch is looking out for me as well. His warning about Harry's lavish lifestyle still sticks in my brain but I try not to dwell on it for too long. I'm sure I'll find it all out in due time. We're not rushing into anything.

"What's got you all tied up?" Ethan asks me while sitting down on the couch right beside me. His thigh brushes up against mine even though there's absolutely no reason for him to be sitting this close. 

I roll my eyes an use my hand to shove him away from my personal space. He chuckles to himself and scoots over a couple of inches. 

"I'm just thinking," I vaguely respond. 

Even though Harry said he's okay with me telling people about us, I still haven't told anyone. I've been nervous for a couple of different reasons. First, he's Harry Styles so I fear no one will believe me. And second, I don't want people to think this is just some silly infatuation. I like Harry for him and not because he's Harry Styles. 

"About....?" Ethan presses. 

I sigh and attempt to turn up the volume on the television but Ethan rips the remote out of my hand and mutes the sound. 

"Nothing important," I say through gritted teeth. 

"Is this about your mystery guest from a little while ago? Don't think I forgot about that, Roz," Ethan says "You've been acting weird since."

My face heats up causing my cheeks to turn pink. Ethan had confronted me the night Harry came  over about who was at the door. I refused to tell him for fear of outing Harry, and myself in the process. I also lacked any quick thinking since I was caught off guard so I couldn't even spew out a believable lie. I just stood there telling Ethan it wasn't important and to drop it. 

"It's nothing," I mumble, knowing that's a lie. "And I haven't been acting weird - "

"Oh please. I've barely seen you lately because of how distant you've been. And when I do see you, you're on your phone making googly eyes at it and smiling like a child."

I bite the inside of my cheek while I sink lower in the couch. Although I'm hesitant to open up about Harry and I, I suppose I can't hide this - us - forever. I didn't realize I was acting any different than I was before. 

"I...I met a guy. He came by the house looking for me because he wanted to take me out on a date, okay?" I spit out quickly, stumbling over my words. 

Ethan shifts in his seat so he's looking at me. His eyebrows are raised a smirk is present on his lips. 

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