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It's the following day and I'm anxiously awaiting Harry's arrival at my apartment. He texted me yesterday asking if I was available tonight for dinner, which I am. Part of me still couldn't believe he sought me out but the text message from an England country code really sealed the deal. 

I glance at myself in the mirror for seemingly the hundredth time tonight. I was so flabbergasted when I saw Harry yesterday that I didn't think much of my appearance, but tonight is different. This time I'm anticipating him which amplifies my nerves. 

What if he doesn't like what I have to say? What if he is turned off by the way I look? Worries float through my head that I know are irrational since Harry and I have met before, and literally had sex therefore he must find me attractive to some degree, but I can't help it. I can't figure out how to shut my brain off. 

The buzzer to my apartment suddenly sounds, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. I quickly walk over to the metal box on the wall by my front door and press the small red button on it. 

"Hello?" I ask, bending over slightly to talk into the speaker. 

"Hello Ms. Forest," a voice says. My cheeks heat up when I realize it's not Harry. "This is Taylor, Harry's driver for the evening. Mr. Styles asked me to call you due to the overwhelming amount of people outside your apartment building at the moment." 

Part of me wonders why Harry couldn't just text me he was here but I don't question it. Perhaps he thought this was more formal.

"Oh, of course! I'm just going to grab my purse and I will meet you outside in a minute," I respond. 

"Take your time, Miss."

I walk away from my front door and quickly try to pull myself together. I grab my purse off my bed and shove random things into it - lipgloss, a tampon even though I'm not on my period, gum, my wallet, and a couple of other things I might need in the event of an emergency. Once I feel as though I have everything, I exit my apartment and make my way downstairs. 

I step out of the building and I'm immediately met with the setting August sun blaring in my eyes. I hold a hand on my forehead to shield my vision. Squinting, I look around and eventually I see a familiar man in a suit walk up to me. He smiles warmly. 

"Ms. Forest?" he questions, to which I nod. "I'm Taylor." He gestures for me to follow him to the black SUV idling a couple of paces away. 

"You can call me Roslyn," I tell the man. It feels odd to be called Ms. Forest. "Or Roz. Whatever works." 

Taylor smiles at my request but doesn't verbally acknowledge it. 

I follow the man, who I now recognize as the same driver who drove Harry and me back to my apartment on the night we met, to the car. He opens the backseat door for me and before I have time to process, I get in.

"Thank you," I tell Taylor. He smiles in response and shuts my door. 

"Well hello there," I hear Harry say as soon as the door is closed. My heart palpitates. I turn my head to the side and meet Harry's intense gaze. "You look lovely."

I blush and push a piece of hair behind my ear, a nervous habit I've developed. I'm not really wearing anything special. I don't own too many dresses or fancy attire options but I managed to dig up this one black, jumpsuit I thought might look good. It fit me differently than I remembered since I gained some weight in my hips and breasts, but I still thought it looked good. It's not too tight but it shows off my figure. The neckline comes up high but my back is exposed, as well as my arms. I paired it with some silver hoop earrings and heels to match, as well as some bracelets I found on the floor under my dresser - I'm not sure how they got there. My hair is also down in loose curls and I opted for minimal makeup. 

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