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I know it's been a while :,) I had to take care of some work/school related things but now I'm on break so I should have more time to write! I have a couple other fanfics I'd like to work on alsooooo. Idk when I'll release them but possibly soon. 

Also I'm enjoying the Harry's POVs in this story lol I can't believe I never used to include them

ALSO also, if you haven't - I'd suggest doing a peak back at the last chapter since it's been a while since I've posted :)



"Is now a bad time to tell you I'm afraid of heights?" Roslyn said, causing me to snap my head over to her with a wide-eyed look on my face. Did I just majorly fuck up? I thought this would be a nice surprise by taking her for a flight over Los Angeles but I felt a weight on my chest - panic I made the wrong decision. I opened my mouth to say something - anything - but Roslyn beat me to it. "I'm kidding." 

She grinned at me while I leaned back in the helicopter seat, breathing out a sigh of relief. For fuck's sake...

"I thought you were serious for a moment," I said. I held a hand up to my chest as the panic I previously felt slowly diminished. 

"No. Just wanted to give you a hard time," Roslyn giggled. It was music to my ears and brought a sense of lightness to me that I hadn't felt in a long time. 


I grabbed Roslyn's hand in mine and kissed the back of it twice before we took off. She smiled the entire ride, her eyes glued to the window and mine glued to her. I didn't care about how high up we were or the view outside. It was pretty but it didn't catch my eye in the same way Roslyn did. Something about seeing her happy and excited made me feel giddy with my own happiness. 

I should spoil her more often, I thought. I have more money than I know what to do with. Spending it on Roslyn seemed like the perfect idea. Seeing her happy made me happy. 

"Earth to Harry."

Roslyn turned to face me when we were 6,000 meters in the air, peeling her eyes away from the window. Her eyebrows furrowed but the smile on her lips never faltered. 

"You're staring," she said to me. The corners of my mouth turned upward. "And not at what you should be staring at."

Even in the dim lighting, I could see her cheeks flush. 

Opting not to respond, I leaned forward and quickly pressed my lips against hers. I smiled as she laughed and when we pulled apart, I slung an arm around her shoulders pulling her close to me while we gazed out the window together. I felt content.

"For the love of all things holy - Harry Styles!" I blink as I come to, realizing I spaced out. My manager, David, stares at me from where he stands with both hands on his hips and a furious expression on his face. His beady eyes are narrowed into slits and there's a bit of sweat on his upper lip.  "We can't afford to have you zoning out like this!"

I roll my eyes, which are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, and reach forward for the drink that's on the wooden coffee table. I grab the crystal tumbler and raise it to my lips, taking a slow sip of the tequila in it. David stares at me with a look that could kill but it's not my fault I'm not with it. My team decided to pay me a surprise visit to discuss my next album since apparently Live Nation has been requesting more from me, even though I only got off tour recently. I haven't even had time to piss recently without someone from my team nagging me about when my next album will come out. 

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