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I know I asked on instagram (@fallingheartsxx_) what POV you guys wanted and most of you said Harry but I just couldn't make it work for this chapter, I am so sorry 🥲 next chapter will be in Harry's POV though :)



It's the vibrating of my phone on my nightstand that wakes me up. I groan and blindly reach over, feeling the bedside table to try and locate it.

"Fuck," I mutter when I knock over an entire stack of books onto the floor. I hear them scatter everywhere, causing me to sigh. 

Rather than continue to make a mess, I prop myself up on my elbows and give a proper look. I spot it nowhere close to where my hand was and I squint to make out the name on the illuminated screen. My heart plummets when I see who it is.

I quickly grab my phone and answer the call, right before the vibrating stops.

"I am so sorry," I breathlessly say. I roll over so I'm on my back while holding the phone to my ear.

"You had me worried there for a second, Roz," Grace says on the other line. "I didn't know if you got home safely and I sent you like a million texts but you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry," I repeat. I rub my eyes with the pads of my fingers. "I got home late and then I - I got distracted..."

I trail off. My mind is hazy thinking about what happened last night. I didn't drink too much so I wasn't drunk but I suppose the alcohol I did have has made my mind a bit foggy, especially with the little amount of sleep I got.

"It's okay," Grace breathes out. "I had a feeling everything was okay but you never know, you know? It's a crazy world. I just couldn't rest until I knew you weren't kidnapped or something."

I smile at her concern, although I wish I wasn't at the root cause of it.

"Thanks, Grace. I'm all good. I appreciate you checking in, though," I tell her. "I hope you weren't up all night - "

"No, no, I wasn't. I just panicked when I woke up and saw you still didn't answer."

"Sorry," I mutter.

"It's all good, don't worry," she says. She then briefly pauses. "Hey, how'd you even get home? I think you mentioned something about your mom but - "

I lose focus on her words as I become distracted by the sound of water running in my bathroom. My eyebrows furrow and I glance toward the door.

What the - ?

As soon as the water shuts off, the door swings open revealing a near-naked Harry Styles. For a second, I can't seem to register what's happening. Am I dreaming? Am I imagining things? What's going on? But then it all comes crashing down, weighing on my chest and making it difficult to breathe.

Harry and I meeting last night.

Harry kissing me.

Harry coming home with me.

Harry and I having sex.

Harry and I having sex again in the shower and on the bathroom vanity top. 

Harry and I making small talk in my bed before we both fell asleep. 

"This is crazy," I whispered to him as we laid in my bed, both of us on our sides so we could face each other. 

He chuckled and lazily ran a hand through my hair. 

"What is?" he asked. 

"This whole night," I admitted. 

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