𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱.

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Antonio, Riley and Hank walk into the hospital to see Kim and Kevin and the Sergeant says, "What do we got?"

"Female, white, just got out of surgery" Kim says. Riley looks at Atwater and says, "I heard female, white knocked you around pretty good"

"Whatever she was on gave her the strength of 10 men" Kevin says.

"No ID. All she had on her was this plane ticket" Kim says, handing it to Dawson, "She landed at O'Hare this morning from Cabo San Lucas"

"Just how much cocaine does she have on her?" Antonio asks.

"Not on her. Inside her. Thirty balloons in her stomach"


"Normally, when cops drag screamers in here, we just give 'em a Haldol cocktail and send them to detox, but she started convulsing, and I knew right away this was different" Dr Parker says, as she, Hank, Riley and Antonio stand in Jane Doe's hospital room.

"Welcome to Chicago, distribution center of the midwest" Dawson says.

"We removed 29 condoms full of cocaine, though she swallowed 30. One broke open and started to dissolve into her stomach." The doctor says, taking the lid from a container which contains the condoms filled with cocaine, "The drug leaked into her bloodstream, causing her psychosis, so I ordered emergency surgery. Never ceases to amaze me what people will do for money"

"Sometimes people don't feel like they have a choice" Riley says.

As Antonio goes over to look at the balloons, Dr. Parker says, "I tested the residue on the broken balloon. It's 89% pure. That's the highest grade I've ever seen"

"All these must be 50k street value" Dawson says.

"Easy" Hank says.

"So what do we think? Cartel's getting smart recruiting all american types?" Riley asks.

"They're full of air pockets. That's why they busted. It's amateur hour. Cartel wouldn't be this careless" Antonio says.

"We need to question her. How soon till she's conscious?" Hank asks the doctor.

"Two, maybe three hours"

"Alright, have Jin contact the TSA at O'Hare. See if we can get an ID on this girl"


"Alright, so our girl in the ER is Amber Morris" Jay says, pointing to their ID's, he had printed out and taped to the board, "Amber and her three friends here are all undergrads at Central Chicago University. This is who we're looking for"

"We checked Amber's facebook page. There's pictures of them living it up in Cabo, but not just from this trip" Erin says, clicking the next slide on the computer, "Amber's been down there twice in the last three months"

"First time, she did the run herself. This time she recruited friends" Antonio says.

"We gotta assume all these girls are mules and ingested the same type of balloons packed with coke" Hank says. Jin walks onto the bullpen and says, "You guys, I ran down those girls' addresses. All three live on campus"

𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃, chicago pd ¹Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum