Author's Note and Prologue

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Hi there!

My name's Amy, and I like to write stories for my fandoms, even though this is just the second one and it's from the same fandom. Anyway, hi! Nice to meet you.

This is "See You at Seven," where Shayne Topp dies only to find out there is a means to go back to Earth. Anyway, I also wrote "A Wrench in the Gears [Damien Haas]" a while back, and now I'll be working on this so as not to cram my schedule. I'm a first-year college student, and my only wish in life is to keep writing fanfictions until I graduate, because this brings me joy.

For now, I do hope you enjoy this. The point of view for this story is Shayne's point of view.

See you around!


I just died. Oh, God. I just died.

But wait a second, why am I still able to formulate thoughts? I can't see or hear or smell or feel or taste anything, but somehow, I can think. How the hell is this even possible?

The first thing that I hear is the sound of a train rushing through railroad tracks, and when I open my eyes, I see the tracks but no train. I see the never-ending train station with lampposts and benches and people waiting. All with their backpacks and luggages, looking to wherever west seems to be. Instead of a wall, there's just an empty black void across us.

But hey, wherever this place is, it's got a JumboTron, a clock that spins in probably 30 directions, and a sign: The Middle. There are also speakers every other bench, and there's static ringing in my ears.

"Welcome to the Middle," a woman's voice greets us. "Please wait for your assigned train. In the meantime, please enjoy our facilities. We hope you enjoy your stay here."

The void behind the benches then form into a real train station, with people walking around on their phones, a bunch of offices, food stalls, some buskers, and turnstiles.

"Where the hell am I?" I mumble to myself, walking around and jumping the turnstile to walk around the station.

Okay, no. I don't have to panic. One thing I know is when you're in an unfamiliar situation, recall everything you need to recall. "My name's Shayne Robert Topp," I start. "I'm 28 years old. I'm part of Smosh. My best friend's name is Damien Haas. I live in California. I'm... I don't know, I'm tired."

I decide to go to the office, but instead of a person at the counter, there's only a flyer. I take one anyway.

Welcome to the Middle!

We have six stations you may explore as you wait for your train.

Station 1 - Resting Station
Station 2 - Food Station
Station 3 - Destination Station
Station 4 - Assistance Station
Station 5 - Unwinding Station
Station 6 - Committee Station

Enjoy your stay here at the Middle.

There's a big number 3 on the floor, so I'm assuming we're in Station 3. This station is where passengers board or something. The stations seem to be separated by gray walls with glass doors. But I don't care about that right now: there's this girl standing right in the middle of Station 3, and I know damn well she's about to run into those tracks, because she's been scanning the area for about five minutes now. When the walkway clears, I walk towards her but very carefully.

See You at Seven [Shayne Topp]Where stories live. Discover now