authors note!

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Hello wonderful readers! Thank you for the support on this story! I have a few announcements but first if you guys could show my other stories some love, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, thank you so much for the reads! I will definately update this more due to popular demand, the reason why i slowed down was to write on other books, but this definately will be updated more often. Im in school currently, so please be patient. Middleschool is rough. Very. Rough. Now, for the other books as previously mention!

1: Are You There?(a bnha fanfic)

2:The Fighters Glory.

3:(this book will be coming soon! But i have a question

Should this book be

A: Devil's Hand

B:The Calamity's A Hero?!

C:Realms Collide. (Rewrite)
I will do all of these books, but YOU! yes, YOU! Get to decide my fate! For now, signing off,


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