I dropped my gaze and nervously tucked my hair back. "Hey, I have a question. Last night got me thinking... If, let's say, hypothetically, you manage to turn me, I wouldn't be afraid of, say, running through the forest, right? There'd be no more nausea and stuff?"

His smirk only grew. "Maybe. I could list the other perks to you, if you like."

"No," I said quickly, shaking my head as I walked towards him. "I just really hate that part," I mumbled. "And the amulet's in a forest."

As I got near him, he stepped aside so I could walk past him, but then he spoke while we were both in the doorway. "I did it to help him."

"What?" I turned - and stepped into the post, suddenly aware of how close we were.

He placed one arm above my head, effectively crowding me as he leaned down to meet my eyes. His eyes were begging for understanding. "Victor. I thought I was giving him an out. He had a dreadful social life and no love life at all. He lived alone with his mother. The boy hated his life, was always getting picked on, wasn't good at anything - you know, the works.

"I met him at a diner where he worked part time and we got to talking. He bordered on suicidal and, figuring we could both use a friend, I turned him. I thought I was freeing him, but the moment he realised what I'd done, he hated me. I thought it was just the shock, that he'd adjust. But ten years down the line, he still hasn't forgiven me. That's why I let him break away."

My heart broke for him at this outburst. He'd only been trying to find a lifelong friend. With his history, the fact that he was willing to let someone in, much less take pity on what must have seemed like a weak human boy, showed a side to him I never thought to see.

Vincent was compassionate.

I swallowed, pushing aside the guilt I felt at what we were about to do to him, and just focused on the guy with the silver eyes before me. "Why... Why don't you have a mate?"

He shrugged, looking away to hide his emotions. "With my lifestyle, I figured she'd just tie me down."

I touched his jaw tenderly, making him turn back to me. "I don't believe that." My heart sank further as I ventured, "Have you ever loved, Vince? Or been with someone who loved you in all these years?"

His eyes wavered, completely vulnerable. He gazed at me, his eyes darkening and slowly filling with red at the same time, but didn't say anything. The knock at the door went unnoticed, then a voice came through the door announcing, "Room service."

He suddenly cleared his throat and pushed away, striding towards the door. I tucked my hair back, taking a deep breath, then went and sat on the bed. Vincent took the cart from the waiter and brought it to me. I uncovered the dishes and stared. "A full English breakfast?!"

He gave me a soft, sweet smile, the first one ever, and my heart stuttered.

Hey traitor, he's the enemy!

A sweet, thoughtful, compassionate enemy...

"Is this too much? I'm still getting used to this human food thing."

"It's fine. A little overboard," I blushed, making him still. He was suddenly in the bathroom, emerging a minute later with the trash bag. He disappeared, then returned just as I was about to finish breakfast.

"Not done yet?"

"Almost. Why did you need to hunt last night when you attacked that guy before?"

"I need to get stuffed 'cause the amulet will drain a lot of energy from me. I had to stock up on the good stuff, like I'm going into trance," he added.

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon