Chapter 45

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"Stop the car!"

I wanted to scream it but ended up choking it out.

Vincent instantly pulled up. I fumbled with my door, thankfully getting it open just as I threw up. Vincent held my hair away from my face.

"Awww, you were doing so well!" he laughed.

I cringed, dry heaves wracking my body. Vincent patiently held my hair like a total gentleman.

"Hey, you should be thanking me. I did you a favor. And I didn't kill him."

I sat back, spent, and considered his words. He was right, that was something at least. "Water," I moaned.

"Sorry, honey. All I got you was this." He pushed the milkshake into my hand.

I made a face but anything was better than the terrible taste in my mouth. I took a long pull and grimaced. Sugar was not a good idea right now. I slowly sat up.

"Better?" he asked, tucking my hair back gently.

I batted his hand away and he laughed. "Just drive."

Soon, he pulled up at a diner. I sat up when he got out of the car and came round. "What now?"

"I'm getting you real food."

I shook my head, pretending not to notice him throwing away both cups... "I can't eat."

He leaned in, his eyes silver in this light. "Too bad. We're not going anywhere without you eating and you're really working that patience of mine. It's limited remember?"

I sighed and got out of the car. He put an arm around me to keep me steady as we walked in and slid into a booth. He sat opposite me and carelessly flung his arm over the booth. A young brunette came up to our table, blushing at him.

"Hi, I'm Colette and I'll be your server tonight. What would you like to order?"

Vincent kept his silver eyes on me. Cowed, I glanced down. "Um, I'd like a double cheese burger and a Coke, please."

"Of course. Would you like fries with that?"

"Yes," Vincent replied for me, sitting forward. "A large side of fries. But first, some water please?"

"On it." She raced off to place my order, returning quickly with my water. Vincent watched silently while I took a sip then downed the whole glass.

He sat back so Colette could place my food on the table. I took a bite of my burger and moaned then blushed. How had I gotten this hungry? I felt like I'd been starving for days. Halfway through, I could finally speak. "Why did you attack him?"

He'd been gazing around the room but turned his eyes on me as he shrugged. "He was harassing you."

"So, what, you were protecting me?"

"Nah, but I figured out a new use for you." He grinned. "Bait."

I rolled my eyes but he unexpectedly continued, "What I did was like punching him in the face."

"Then why not just punch him in the face?"

"And guarantee his death? Aren't you the one trying to save lives?"

My eyes widened. He'd kept the guy alive because he cared what I thought? I shook the idea away. "Does he have a link with you now? Like mine?"

He rubbed his thumb over his lip as he thought. "Maybe but I won't use it. I already gave him an order."


He leaned in closer as if sharing a secret. "I told him to forget me but to always feel the same crushing fear he did tonight every time he's with a woman. He'll turn into the thing he hates the most - a weakling."

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